The Smart Tourism Taiwan Data Provider is a library that gives your application access to
the Smart Tourism Taiwan Open Data made available by the Institute for Information Industry .
This Android library uses Square's Retrofit HTTP Client in combination with the GSON serialization library
under the hood to streamline access to Smart Tourism Taiwan's web services.
- Create a .aar from the "smarttourismtwdataprovider" package
- Add the .aar to your application's build.gradle
- Getting a reference to the data provider:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* Get a reference to the data provider, passing in the context
SmartTourismDataProvider dataProvider = SmartTourismDataProvider.getInstance(this);
- Accessing Smart Tourism Taiwan Open Data (Example):
* Query a list of counties
dataProvider.getCountyList(new SmartTourismDataProvider.Callback<List<County>>() {
* Handle response data
public void onResponse(Response<List<County>> response) {
if (response.isSuccess()) {
CountyList countyList = response.body();
for (County county : countyList) {
* Do some stuff...
Log.d(TAG, + "\n" + + "\n" + county.region);
* Follow-up failure case
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
Log.d(TAG, t.getCause().toString());
- Setting the Language Pack (Optional):
* Set the language pack to English (US)
#####Intelligent & ACL APIs Pending
#####Licensed under the MIT License.