AZURE_TENANT_ID | a1b2c3d4-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-abcdef123456 |
Run one of these code blocks in a terminal depending on if your package manager is pip or conda
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install --file requirements.txt
- On launch, Microsoft Authentication will launch in browser and a new window will also open at http://localhost:5000
- Current Firewall rules are "refreshed" every time the page reloads
- Operations include "Add", "Update", and "Delete"
- Validations
- Two firewall rules cannot share the same name
- IP addresses must follow the format 111.222.333.444
- "Commit Firewall Rules" will update the servers firewall rules and sync that change to Microsoft Cloud Defender Baseline
- SFTP users can be created, updated, delted or restored
- Deleted users can be restored up to 30 days past the deletion date
- Creating a new user will fail if:
- The user name already exists
- The user name is the name of a currently deleted user
- A user name cannot be modified, a new user must be created
- In the "Create User" or "Edit User" popup:
- Passwords can be generated with the 🖉 icon
- Passwords can be shown/hidden with the 👁 icon
- When retrieving a password:
- The response will be a link to OneTimeSecret
- Secrets can be further hidden with a "passcode"
- Secrets will expire after 7 days
- Review a list of change actions that have been generated by this application.
- One log file is generated per day (when activity happens)
- Activity is recorded for all users