Library to translate JSON to XML (and XML to JSON) using predefined JavaScript schemas.
For example, This library is used in opds-builder and onix-builder.
$ npm install xml-schema
var XMLSchema = require("xml-schema");
// Create a XML Schema
var xmlSchema = new XMLSchema(schema);
// Generate a XML string
var xml = xmlSchema.generate(data, options);
// Parse a XML string to some data
var data = xmlSchema.parse(xml);
// Name of the element tag
// If null, it will use the name of the fields
tag: "myTag",
// Use sub-value as text/raw node (default is undefined)
inner: undefined,
// Map of sub-elements defined by schema
fields: {
// Key can be the path of the property to get (eg: "a[0].b.c")
// If "$", then the value is the one passed to the schema
"key": anotherSchema
// Map of attributes
// It works like "fields", options 'transform', 'default' are also available
attributes: {
"key2": {
name: "attributeName",
default: "attributeValue",
// Transform value
transform: function(v) { return v; },
untransform: function(v) { return v; }
// Map basic value (number, string, boolean) to object for the schema
// This is usefull to make it easier to define both simple and complex data set
map: {
to: "key"
// Default value for the schema (default is undefined)
default: "some stuff",
// Transformation function for the value (default is identity)
transform: function(v) { return v; },
untransform: function(v) { return v; },
// If true, Don't escape value when appened (default is false)
raw: false,
// If true, Append the resulting value as text (default is true)
text: true,
// If true, Append the resulting value as CDATA
cdata: true,
// If true: parse it as an array
array: false,
// If true: append empty element according to value
bool: false
Options can be passed during xml generation to configure definition of the feed:
var xml = xmlSchema.generate(data, {
// xml version to append in the header
"version": "1.0",
// encoding value to append in the header
"encoding": "UTF-8",
// If null, omits the standalone attribute
"standalone": false,
// If true, it will return a pretty xml string
"pretty": true
Define the JavaScript schemas for the ATOM feed:
var DATE = {
transform: function(d) {
return (new Date(d)).toISOString();
var AUTHOR = {
tag: 'author',
fields: {
name: {},
uri: {},
email: {}
map: {
to: 'name'
var LINK = {
tag: 'link',
attributes: {
href: {},
rel: {},
type: {}
map: {
to: 'href'
var ENTRY = {
tag: 'entry',
fields: {
title: {},
updated: DATE,
summary: {},
links: LINK,
authors: AUTHOR,
author: AUTHOR,
content: {
raw: true,
attributes: {
type: {
default: "xhtml"
var FEED = {
tag: 'feed',
attributes: {
xmlns: {
default: ""
fields: {
title: {},
updated: DATE,
links: LINK,
entries: ENTRY,
authors: AUTHOR,
author: AUTHOR
Initialize your XML schema processor:
var xmlSchema = new XMLSchema(FEED);
Convert JSON into XML based on the previously defined schema:
var xml = xmlSchema.generate({
title: "Example Feed",
links: [
href: "",
ref: "self"
entries: [
title: "Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok",
updated: new Date(2015, 01, 15),
links: [
rel: "alternate",
type: "text/html",
href: ""
rel: "edit",
href: ""
author: {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
content: "<p>This is the entry content.</p>"
// Options for generation
version: '1.0',
encoding: 'UTF-8'
Or parse some xml feed into a JS object:
var data = xmlSchema.parse(xml);