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YouTube channel playlist

Codecat15 edited this page Sep 7, 2021 · 1 revision

As we are covering more topics on the channel, I think adding a wiki page about the playlist will help you to glance at the channel's content.

1. Beginners playlist: [ 26 videos ]  

If you are someone who is just starting their journey in Swift programming then you must check out the beginner's playlist which has 26 videos that will make you familiar with the basics of Swift and get you ready for the advanced tutorials.

Swift Beginners playlist link:

2. Properties: [ 4 videos ]

Swift has various properties which are lazy, computed, observers and wrappers and they all have their own special purpose.

Properties playlist:

3. Protocol playlist: [ 5 videos ]

Swift is incomplete without protocols, they are not only used to write clean code but also help a lot in reducing tight coupling, so after the beginner's playlist my recommendation is to explore and understand protocols in Swift

Protocol playlist:

4. SOLID Principles: [ 7 videos ]

Before we get into the advanced stuff like APIs or databases it's important that we cover what are SOLID principles because here you will learn how powerful protocols are and how they can help you write loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable code and truly code like a pro.

SOLID principle playlist:

5. API parsing and JSON Decoding: [11 videos]

In any app be it mobile or web APIs play a very important role as they help to fetch and update the records on the server and the iOS framework has some really excellent classes and protocols that will help us to parse an API and decode the JSON response without using any third party with less line of code.

API parsing playlist:

6. Threading / Concurrency / Dispatch Framework: [ 11 videos ]

This is one of the most important topics in Swift programming, as a mobile app developer you will be doing a lot of operations in the background, and hence it's really important for you to know the terminologies of concurrency and what it means and what are the various classes that you can use while dealing with a task that you want to perform in the background.

Concurrency playlist:

7. Core data framework: [ 9 videos ]

Sometimes we need to save records on the user mobile device so that the user can reference those records or operate on them while they are offline, the core data framework by apple is very powerful and does most of the complex tasks on its own so that you can then focus on the application business logic, in this playlist you will explore how easy it is to use core data.

Core data playlist:

8. MVC and MVVM: [ 4 videos ]

Model View Controller or MVC is the default architecture of the iOS app and its been the default framework for ages, but recently the iOS community is more interested in exploring and managing a huge codebase using MVVM which is Model-View-ViewModel, although there are many architecture patterns these two remain the most dominant ones and CodeCat15 channel has videos covering this two architecture in detail

MVC playlist:

MVVM playlist:

9. Test Cases: [ 2 videos ]

Once you write the code how do you know that the code will perform and handle all the scenarios throw at it? OR how do you know that the new changes you have done do not break any existing functionality? well, that's where test cases come to the rescue, and having test cases in your project will really be like a friend who will guide you even before you push any bad code to the master branch or release it for QA testing and hence I suggest you to watch the test case playlist videos and include them as part of your development life cycle.

Test case playlist:

10. Design patterns: [ 8 videos ]

If you are someone like me who wants to write clean code and make sure the code is manageable and testable then I have an exciting playlist for you and that's the design pattern playlist

Design pattern playlist:

11: SwiftUI: [ 14 videos ]

SwiftUI is still evolving and there are more features that will be added in the coming days, but just to get a small taste of what SwiftUI is and how it makes our life easy as a developer here's a playlist that will guide you with the basics of SwiftUI.

SwiftUI playlist: