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Technologies involved include:


Virtualenv setup:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Variables

It's recommended to use direnv. The required environment variables for this API are listed in envrc.template.

To use direnv with this repository, run the following and set the variables appropriately.

cp envrc.template .envrc

Ingesting Data

Once you have set up the Virtual Environment and Environment variables (see above), running the app for the first time (see Running the App below) will automatically ingest all classes, and should continually check to see if a new roster has been released daily. If you ever need to manually ingest a new roster (without having to wait for the cronjob to execute), you can simply restart the containers or processes running this backend.


Flake 8: Install flake8

Black: Either use command line tool or use editor extension.

If using VS Code, install the 'Python' extension and include following snippet inside settings.json:

"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
"python.formatting.provider": "black"

Running the App

To run the app:

python src/

Running tests



Initialize migrations

python src/ db init

Generate a migration

python src/ db migrate -m "Message describing migration"

Run the migration

python src/ db upgrade

User Sessions

All user sessions are managed with Session model. This allows multiple sessions to be associated with one user, allowing users to maintain sessions on multiple devices.

The big drawback of this implementation is that we allow the users to create essentially an unlimited number of sessions since there is no good way to identify the device or browser that the user is trying to sign in from. For instance, theoretically, if a user signs in from an incognito browser 5 times, that would create 5 sessions. This is not ideal because we have limitations to our backend's size.

Refresh Sessions

To somewhat address this problem, depending on the information submitted, we refresh the existing sessions rather than creating a new one. There are two cases when a session is refreshed.

  1. Frontend sends in a valid update_token through /api/session/update/ POST request.
  2. Frontend sends in the device_token through /api/session/initialize/ GET request and there exists an old session associated with that device_token. This means that the user has subscribed to mobile push notifications on a specific device (i.e. we have access to device_token) and user is logging in from that same device. If there doesn't exist an old session, we create a new session for this device.

If we have access to the device's unique device_token, we can identify which device the user is trying to login from. Since we know that there can only be one instance of the app on a specific mobile device, we limit the number of sessions (=1) associated to that device.

Clean-up Sessions

  1. One way to clean up the sessions table is to delete any sessions associated with invalid device tokens.
    A user's device token becomes invalid (most likely) in two cases:

    • if the user deletes the app from their device. Note that even if the user downloads the app again on the same device, the device token will not be identical.
    • Whenever the token provider (i.e. Apple or Firebase) decides that they want to change the token

    If we know that the device token is invalid, there is no need to keep the associated session because it will never be used again.
    We can find out if a device token is expired by examining the response when we send out a push notification to that device_token.

    • [IOS] APNS response status code for invalid device token is 410.
    • [ANDROID] Firebase exception for invalid device token is UnregisteredError. NOTE: Device token is equivalent to 'registration token' in Firebase terminology.
  2. [WIP] Script to periodically clean up outdated sessions


/api/session/initialize/• POST


  "token": "<TOKEN received from Google>",
  "device_type": "ANDROID" || "IOS" || "WEB",
  "device_token": "123abc456def" || null

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "session_expiration": 1581435566,
    "session_token": "3c9e0ee538eaa570b7bc0847f18eab66703cc41f",
    "update_token": "d9c3427bd6537131a5d0e8c8fa1d59e764644c2c"
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/session/update/• POST


  "Authorization": "Bearer <update_token>"

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "session_expiration": 1581435566,
    "session_token": "3c9e0ee538eaa570b7bc0847f18eab66703cc41f",
    "update_token": "d9c3427bd6537131a5d0e8c8fa1d59e764644c2c"
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/users/tracking/ • GET


  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "sections": [
        "catalog_num": 12401,
        "course_id": 1298,
        "course_num": 3110,
        "instructors": ["Nate Foster (jnf27)"],
        "is_tracking": true,
        "mode": "Online",
        "num_tracking": 2,
        "section": "LEC 001 / TR 12:20pm - 1:10pm",
        "status": "WAITLISTED",
        "subject_code": "CS",
        "title": "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
        "catalog_num": 12403,
        "course_id": 1298,
        "course_num": 4090,
        "instructors": [],
        "is_tracking": true,
        "mode": "Online",
        "num_tracking": 2,
        "section": "IND 606 / TBA",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "subject_code": "CEE",
        "title": "CEE Undergraduate Research"
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/users/device-token/ • POST


  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"


  "device_token": "123abc456def"

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": null,
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/users/notification/ • POST


  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"


  "notification": "ANDROID" || "IOS" || "EMAIL" || "NONE"

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": null,
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/sections/track/ • POST


  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"


  "course_id": 12401

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "catalog_num": 12401,
    "course_id": 1298,
    "course_num": 3110,
    "instructors": ["Staff"],
    "is_tracking": true,
    "mode": "Online",
    "num_tracking": 2,
    "section": "DIS 212 / TR 12:20pm - 1:10pm",
    "status": "CLOSED",
    "subject_code": "CS",
    "title": "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/sections/untrack/ • POST


  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"


  "course_id": 12401

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "catalog_num": 12401,
    "course_id": 1298,
    "course_num": 3110,
    "instructors": ["Staff"],
    "is_tracking": false,
    "mode": "Online",
    "num_tracking": 2,
    "section": "DIS 212 / TR 12:20pm - 1:10pm",
    "status": "OPEN",
    "subject_code": "CS",
    "title": "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/courses/search/ • POST


  • Auth header is NOT required - allows web users to search for courses even when they are not logged in
    • If auth header is not present
      • 'is_tracking' is always False
      • no error thrown about authentication
    • If auth header is present
      • a verification process is triggered -> checks whether the given access_token is valid
      • error could be thrown if access_token is invalid
      • 'is_tracking' depends on user's data
  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"


  "query": "cs 3110"

Example Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "courses": [
        "subject_code": "CS",
        "course_num": 3110,
        "id": 1298,
        "title": "Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures",
        "sections": [
            "catalog_num": 12401,
            "course_id": 1298,
            "course_num": 3110,
            "instructors": ["Staff"],
            "is_tracking": false,
            "mode": "Online",
            "num_tracking": 2,
            "section": "DIS 212 / TR 12:20pm - 1:10pm",
            "status": "OPEN",
            "subject_code": "CS",
            "title": "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
    "query": "cs 3110"
  "timestamp": 1581335566

/api/courses/int:course_id/ • GET


  • Auth header is NOT required - allows web users to get course by id even when they are not logged in
  "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"

Example Response:

    "data": {
        "course_num": 3110,
        "id": 1298,
        "sections": [
                "catalog_num": 10027,
                "course_id": 1298,
                "course_num": 3110,
                "instructors": [
                    "Nate Foster (jnf27)",
                    "Justin Hsu (jah659)"
                "is_tracking": false,
                "mode": "In Person",
                "num_tracking": 2,
                "section": "LEC 001 / MWF 11:20am",
                "status": "OPEN",
                "subject_code": "CS",
                "title": "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
        "subject_code": "CS",
        "title": "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
    "success": true,
    "timestamp": 1636588184


An open-sourced backend service for CourseGrab







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