* Open Source
* Light Weight
* Requires no external library installation
* simple and Interactive GUI
* Most of the cryptographic functions at one place
* Platform Independent
Frequency Analysis
Dictionary Attack
Hash Cracker
You can install it through gitclone or download it. You don't need to install aor configure DeCryptoSuite. Just download it and start using.
- Move to DecryptoSuite Directory.
- Launch DCSGraphical.py.
- Now, the window is launched and you can use the tool.
cd DecrytpoSuite/
python3 DCSGraphical.py
There is an option of using DeCryptoSuite as command line tool, however it consists of only basic functionalities.
- Move to DecryptoSuite Directory.
- Launch DCSConsole.py.
- You can type python3 DCSConsole.py -h for help, all avaliable algorithms and options will be displayed.
cd DecrytpoSuite/
python3 DCSConsole.py -h
If found any bug, you can report it to the developer.
Contributors: Mohit Balu @mohitbalu