Reference Implementation Server + Libraries for the FHIR Specification, written in Pascal
This is a set of FHIR applications written in Pascal. It is also the home of the pascal reference implementation for FHIR. Included in this project:
- The Pascal reference implementation for FHIR (/library) + many useful supporting libraries
- The FHIR reference server
- supports the entire FHIR functionality, along with OAuth, OpenID.Connect, and SCIM
- includes v2 and DICOM end points
- includes set of tests for the server and library
- The FHIR toolkit - a set of utilities for developers
- The FHIR Notepad++ plug-in - a set of useful utilities for FHIR developers
- A VCL demo program that shows how to connect to to an argonaut interface (contributed by Wellsoft, thanks)
For binary releases of this content, see
This project is maintained by the FHIR Project lead. The server runs in multiple locations, including,, and
In form, this a middleware tool to help applications exchange data via a repository. It also shows how to implement a generic FHIR server against an SQL database. The server is specifically written as an reference server - it implements all parts of the specification as defined, and is co-developed with the specification. It is not well optimised for hosting/supporting very large repositories efficiently.
The open source FHIR Server includes delphi/pascal implementations of:
- Xml/XPath/XML Patch + XML Digital Signature
- JSON/JSONPointer/Json Patch + JSON Digital Signature (+ JWT/JWK support)
- OAuth/openID Connect (including google/facebook clients)
- Turtle format (RDF)
- GraphQL
- HL7 V2
- Liquid Templating language
- Javascript and Java invocation libraries
- CQL (Clinical Query Language)
- Graphical Components
- Scintilla Wrapper (per InnoSetup) with XMl/JSON/Javascript syntax highlighters
- simple quick graphing library
- De Novo word processor
- FHIR FMX Components
- All of FHIR + FHIRPath + smart all launch + cds-hooks, of course
- \server\FHIRServer.dproj (delphi) or \server\FHIRServerFPC.lpi (FPC) - the main server
- \server\FHIRConsole.lpi (FPC only): management utility for the server
- others - still be documented.
- library: the pascal reference implementation with supporting code
- exec: files needed by the server at run time
The code compiles under either Delphi (windows 32+64) or Lazarus/FPC (windows 32+64/Linux/OSX).
The code should in principle compile under Delphi XE3+ (any edition, personal will do). Note that in practice, various subtle but breaking changes have been introduced to the runtime library (Streams, Indy) that mean that some fiddling with IFDEFs may be necessary. 10.3 and 10.4 are both expected to work without modification.
In order to properly compile, the following git repositories must be put in these places:
- in C:\work\fhirserver
- in C:\work\markdown
And also you need to install (all delphi users should have this installed!)
For design time support for the GUI applications, you need to install treeview and synedit (see in dependencies folders), then open and compile the packages in /packages, and install the 2 design time packages.
Note that the FHIRServer is a big compile. You may have problems compiling in resource constrained environments.
The code compiles using FPC 3.3.1 / Lazarus 2.1.0 (or more recent). The code depends on some recent bug fixes so older versions are probably not supported.
The FhirServer depends on the following other GitHub repositories:
The toolkit also depends on these repositories:
Get a local copy of these, and install their packages.
in order to run the tests, you also need the repo locally, and you'll need to pass this as a parameter to the test cases.
Bulding an actual release requires the following tools
- Innosetup v6 +
- FinalBuilder v8