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274 lines (208 loc) · 7.19 KB

Step 4: Polymer custom element

In this step, you create a custom element that lets you use a <hello-world> tag anywhere in your app. You also specify element-defined style and expose an custom element attribute.

Keywords: custom element, Shadow DOM, custom attribute, binding

Bootstrap Polymer

Edit web/index.html, as follows.

    <!-- ... -->

    <!-- Polymer bootstrap -->
    <script type="application/dart">export 'package:polymer/init.dart';</script>

Key information:

  • The first <script> tag automatically initializes polymer elements without having to write a main for your application.
  • When run in browser, the index.html file loads the app and calls the main() function in package:polymer/init.dart script.

Add a basic custom element

Continue to edit web/index.html.

→ Declare a custom element named hello-world.

    <!-- import polymer-element's definition -->
    <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- Declare a custom element named hello-world -->
    <polymer-element name="hello-world" noscript>
        <h3>Hello World!</h3>

→ Use it twice in the HTML code.

  <!-- ... -->

    TO DO: Put the UI widgets here.
    <!-- Use the hello-world custom element -->

→ Run in Dartium web/index.html.

You should see twice "Hello World!".

Got questions? Having trouble? Ask the organizer team.

Key information:

  • The polymer-element tag is the way to declare your custom element.
  • The name attribute is required and must contain a -. It specifies the name of the HTML tag you’ll instantiate in markup (in this case <hello-world>).
  • The noscript attribute indicates that this is a simple element that doesn’t include any script. An element declared with noscript is registered automatically.
  • The template tag contains the content of the element. For now, it's static content.

Add element-defined styles

To add element-defined styles, edit the element in web/index.html.

→ Add the following code to declare style:

<polymer-element name="hello-world" noscript>
      :host {
        text-align: center;

      h3 {
        text-decoration: underline;
    <h3>Hello World!</h3>

→ Run in Dartium

You should see centered and underlined "Hello World!".

→ Try to affect the style of the element adding other styles outside of it.

      hello-world {
        text-align: right;
      h3 {
        color: red;

Key information:

  • :host refers to the custom element itself and has the lowest specificity. This allows users to override your styling from the outside.
  • Polymer creates Shadow DOM from the topmost of your definition, so styles defined internally to your element are scoped to your element. There’s no need to worry about duplicating an id from the outside or using a styling rule that’s too broad.

    Externalize element

    Create a new file web/hello.html.

    → Move the element declaration from web/index.html to web/hello.html:

    <!-- import polymer-element's definition -->
    <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
    <polymer-element name="hello-world" noscript>
          /* ... */
        <h3>Hello World!</h3>

    → Import the element with an HTML Import.

        <!-- ... -->
        <link rel="import" href="hello.html">
        <script type="application/dart">export 'package:polymer/init.dart';</script>
        <!-- Previous hello-world element declaration is removed -->
        <!-- ... -->
          TO DO: Put the UI widgets here.
          <!-- Use the hello-world custom element -->

    Key information:

    • HTML Imports are a way to include and reuse HTML documents in other HTML documents.
    • For HTML imports use the import relation on a standard <link> tag.

    Add custom behavior

    Create a new file web/hello.dart.

    → Add the following code:

    import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
    class HelloWorld extends PolymerElement {
      String name = "You";
      HelloWorld.created(): super.created();

    → In web/hello.html, remove the noscript attribute.
    → Add the script tag specifying the URL to hello.dart.
    → Add the binding to the field name of HelloWorld class:

    <link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
    <polymer-element name="hello-world">
        <h3>Hello {{name}}!</h3>
      <script type="application/dart" src="hello.dart"></script>

    → Run in Dartium

    You should see "Hello You!".

    Key information:

    • The script tag specifies the path to the underlying dart script.
    • Any Polymer element class extends PolymerElement.
    • CustomTag specifies the name of the element.
    • The super.created() constructor must be called in the custom element constructor.
    • {{name}} is a Polymer expression. It is bound to the name field in HelloWorld class.

    Add custom attribute

    Attributes are a great way for users of your element to configure it, declaratively.

    → In web/hello.dart, add the @published annotation to the name field:

    class HelloWorld extends PolymerElement {
      String name = "You";
      // ...

    → In web/index.html, take advantage of the new attribute:

        <!-- ... -->
          TO DO: Put the UI widgets here.
          <hello-world name="John"></hello-world>
          <hello-world name="Paul"></hello-world>

    → Run in Dartium

    You should see "Hello John!" and "Hello Paul!".

    Key information:

    • @published means that is is an public attribute.
    • @published also means that it is observable, so it allows to uses live two-way data binding to synchronize DOM nodes and object models.

    Learn more


    Check your code against the files in s4_element (diff).