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Step 5: Polymer templates

In this step, you use more binding expressions, filter function and templates.

Keywords: binding, filter function, conditional template, template loop

Create a risk-players element

Create a new custom element, as follows.

→ Create a new file web/players.html.

<link rel="import" href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">

<polymer-element name="risk-players">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/risk.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/bootstrap_for_pub/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/bootstrap_for_pub/3.1.0/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">

    <ul id="players" class="list-group list-group-inverse img-rounded">
      <li class="list-group-item">
        <!-- In the following tag, bind player avatar and color -->
        <img src="img/avatars/castro.png" style="border-color: green" class="img-rounded" alt="Avatar">
        <!-- Bind here player name -->
        <span><b>Paul McCartney</b></span>
        <span class="badge pull-right">
          <i class="riskicon riskicon-soldier"></i>
          <i class="riskicon riskicon-soldier"></i>
          <!-- Bind here player reinforcement -->
  <script type="application/dart" src="players.dart"></script>

→ Create a new file web/players.dart.

import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'package:risk_engine/risk_engine.dart';
import 'package:risk/risk.dart';

class RiskPlayers extends PolymerElement {
  PlayerState player = new PlayerStateImpl(2, "John Lennon", "kadhafi.png", "blue", reinforcement: 2);

  RiskPlayers.created(): super.created();

→ In the element template, bind the player fields to see his name, his avatar, his color and his reinforcement number. Follow this example:


→ Import this new component in web/index.html and use its tag.
→ Run in Dartium

You should see something like:

Single player.

Key information:

  • Properties on the model and in the scope are looked up via simple property names, like {{player}}. Property names are looked up first in the top-level variables, next in the model, then recursively in parent scopes. Properties on objects can be access with dot notation like {{}}.
  • Polymer expressions allow you to write complex binding expressions, with property access, function invocation, list/map indexing, and two-way filtering like.
  • For more information about Polymer expressions, see the Polymer expressions documentation.

Filter function

Filters let you change how your model data is displayed in the view without changing the model data itself. For example, they're useful for showing parts of a model's data, or displaying data in a particular format. You can also easily create and use your own filters, as the following instructions show how to capitalize player name.

→ Add a capitalize filter function in web/players.dart:

class RiskPlayers extends PolymerElement {
  // ...
  String capitalize(String s) => s.toUpperCase();
  // ...

→ Use it to capitalize the player name in web/players.html:

<span><b>{{ | capitalize}}</b></span>

→ Run in Dartium

You should see the capitalized player name:

Single capitalized player.

Key information:

  • A filter is a function that transforms a value into another, used via the pipe syntax: value | filter. Any function that takes exactly one argument can be used as a filter.
  • The top-level function named capitalize is in the scope so if is "John Lennon", then | capitalize will have the value "JOHN LENNON".

Conditional template

We want to display soldier icons in function of the number of player reinforcement:

  • !: if reinforcement is less or equal than 1
  • !!: if reinforcement is equal to 2
  • !!!: if reinforcement is greater or equal than 3

→ In web/players.html, use conditional templates:

<span class="badge pull-right">
  <i class="riskicon riskicon-soldier"></i>
  <!-- TODO complete the if expression -->
  <template if="{{ ... }}">
    <i class="riskicon riskicon-soldier"></i>
  <!-- TODO complete the if expression -->
  <template if="{{ ... }}">
    <i class="riskicon riskicon-soldier"></i>
  {{ player.reinforcement }}

→ Complete the if conditions with the right expressions.
→ Run in Dartium, and try to change the value of player reinforcement.

Key information:

  • Control the UI with declarative conditional if templates.
  • Template conditionals are part of the data binding infrastructure. If player.reinforcement changes, the templates are automatically re-evaluated.

Template loop

We want to display a list of players.

→ In web/players.dart, remove the player field and add two new published fields, players and activePlayerId:

class RiskPlayers extends PolymerElement {
  // We don't need player field anymore
  // PlayerState player = new PlayerStateImpl(2, "John Lennon", "kadhafi.png", "blue", reinforcement: 2);

  Iterable<PlayerState> players = [
    new PlayerStateImpl(1, "Paul McCartney", "castro.png", "green", reinforcement: 0),
    new PlayerStateImpl(2, "John Lennon", "kadhafi.png", "blue", reinforcement: 2),
    new PlayerStateImpl(3, "Ringo Starr", "staline.png", "yellow", reinforcement: 1),
    new PlayerStateImpl(4, "George Harrison", "kim-jong-il.png", "red", reinforcement: 4),

  int activePlayerId = 2;
  // ...

→ In web/players.html, use conditional loop to iterate over players:

<ul id="players" class="list-group list-group-inverse img-rounded">
  <template repeat="{{ player in players }}">
    <!-- Complete the following tokenList filter to enable `active` class if it is the active player -->
    <li class="list-group-item {{ {'active': ...} }}">
      <!-- ... -->

→ Complete the tokenList filter to enable active class if it is the active player in function of activePlayerId value.
→ Run in Dartium.

You should see something like:

Players list.

Key information:

  • {{ player in players }} loops through a collection, instantiating a template for every item in the collection.
  • Template loops are part of the data binding infrastructure. If an item is added or removed from players, the contents of <ul> are automatically updated.
  • The tokenList filter is useful for binding to the class attribute. It allows you to dynamically set/remove class names based on the object passed to it. If the object key is truthy, the name will be applied as a class.

Learn more


Check your code against the files in s5_template (diff).