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a github action to publish cucumber report on pull request annotations

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Cucumber Report Annotations Action

This GitHub Action publishes action annotations from Cucumber reports.


- uses: deblockt/cucumber-report-annotations-action@v1.7
    access-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    path: "**/cucumber-report.json"


Supported Formats

This GitHub Action supports two formats:

  • JSON: The deprecated Cucumber report format. Prefer using the message format. If you use this format, the file extension should be .json.
  • Message: The new Cucumber report format using NDJSON (newline-delimited JSON). If you use this format, the file extension should be .ndjson.


All parameters in this action are optional, allowing flexibility in configuration based on your needs.

Input Name Description Default Options
access-token GitHub token. ${{ github.token }}
path Glob pattern to locate Cucumber JSON files. **/cucumber-report.json
name The name of the check. Cucumber report
check-status-on-error Check status for Cucumber errors. failure success, neutral, failure
check-status-on-undefined Check status for undefined steps. success success, neutral, failure
check-status-on-pending Check status for pending steps. success success, neutral, failure
annotation-status-on-error Annotation status for errors. failure notice, warning, failure
annotation-status-on-undefined Annotation status for undefined steps. No annotation if not set. notice, warning, failure
annotation-status-on-pending Annotation status for pending steps. No annotation if not set. notice, warning, failure
show-number-of-error-on-check-title Show the number of errors in the check title (visible in PR checks). true true, false
show-global-summary-report Display a full summary report for each feature file. false true, false
number-of-test-error-to-fail-job Number of test errors required to fail the build.
-1 prevents the build from failing.


The following variables are available as output (with the JSON file name used as a base, spaces replaced by underscores, and without the .json extension):

  • ${output}_failed_scenarios: Number of failed scenarios.
  • ${output}_undefined_scenarios: Number of undefined scenarios.
  • ${output}_pending_scenarios: Number of pending scenarios.
  • ${output}_passed_scenarios: Number of passed scenarios.
  • ${output}_failed_steps: Number of failed steps.
  • ${output}_undefined_steps: Number of undefined steps.
  • ${output}_pending_steps: Number of pending steps.
  • ${output}_passed_steps: Number of passed steps.