I once needed a HUD for one of my iPhone apps, but was unhappy with the currently available libraries on the internet. Therefore, I decided to create my own library. I've released it as a static library last year, but a lot of people wanted to see the source, so here it is.
-- Marcel development@atomcraft.de [original author]
Heavily modified by D. Hoerl
Create, configure, then show it. See the Demo app for more detail.
// Keep a strong ivar reference to it (ie, "ATMHud *hud")
hud = [[ATMHud alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// or hud = [ATMHud new]; using the block delegate
[hud setCaption:@"Caption and an activity indicator."];
[hud setActivity:YES];
[hud showInView:self.view];
[hud hide];
// when the delegate method tells you it's finished, you can nil the ivar out if you want
hud = nil;
// if you use the block delegate, you can release the hud there (see DemoViewController)
##**** Original Modifications, David Hoerl 2011-2014 ****
The reason I adopted this HUD is because it looks so nice, and it offered a wide range of customization options as well as the ability to get a slew of delegate messages as the HUD was presented and dismissed. Along with those you can get messages when the user taps within, or outside, the HUD.
I needed needed ARC, so I forked the project. My initial changes:
- ARCified
- Modern syntax, default setters (no @synthesize)
- more of the existing properties exposed along with some new ones
- blockDelegate along with or for use without the traditional 'delegate' callbacks
- sound can be compiled out of the framework if you aren't using it (assuming most do not.)
- converted to build error/warning free on iOS7 (required constant changes, many changes to UIKit extensions to NSString
- 64 bit clean
- handles view rotation (was a bug on original repository, unsure if I fixed it or not)
iOS7 circular determinate progress indicator (just ask for it!)
#4.0.0 - 2/15/2016
- Adopt more modern look - white with dark objects (text, progress indication, etc)
- Parallax added as a default
- Circular Progess Style Option
- Enums -> NS_ENUM for Swift
- Nullabilty for Swift
Note: if you used the older code and switch to this version, you may need to do some edits to your project.
#3.0.0 - 2/20/2014
- Added a Podspec to CocoaPods for this version
- Font now uses UIFont ' preferredFontForTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleSubheadline''
- Drop shadow removed (code still there, you can enable it if desired) for a more iOS7 look
- Modified appearance defaults to
hud.appearScaleFactor = 0.8f;
hud.disappearScaleFactor = 0.8f;
hud.gray = 0.2f;
hud.alpha = 0.8f; - Rolled in some of the original issues posted to atomcraft/ATMHud
14 - Gray property to set background color to a gray (not black), and added a setCenter method
15 - Screenshots in Readme.md
17 - Different orientation support? (assume this meant a landscape issue) 18 - use blocks api instead delegate 21 - Pull Request - Small performance update
22 - Retain Cycle - changed property to "weak"
23 - removeViewWhenHidden property added (use ATMHud without a delegate) - Experiment with various UI option by changing properties in DemoViewController (see pragma)
#2.x.x - 2011 - 2013
- various small tweaks, mostly to address Xcode Analyze errors
- 64 bit clean
#2.0.0 - 2011
- Forked code
- ARCified
#1.2 - Original
The demo project shows of most of the ways you can display the HUD (but not all the UI customization options):
NOTE: The original author's text follows the screen shots.
##***** Below is the original README text ******
- iOS 4.0 or above
- QuartzCore.framework
- AudioToolbox.framework (only if you want to use sounds)
- Autorotation support
- Fixed or dynamic size
- Multiple accessories
- Automation
- Animations
- Delegation
- Block user interaction
- Enable superview interaction
- Retina display support
- Selectable accessory position
- Queueing of multiple HUDs
- Custom positioning or auto-centering
- Customizable appearance
- Sound effects
Just have a look at the sample project, everything is included there.
ATMHud is licensed under BSD, have a look at the appropriate file for more information.
- Beta testers: @jonsterling @thermogl @GiloTM @phollow @Thyraz @saschalein @EdwinBrett @rbfigueira @abrrow @choise
- @ChrisNTR for porting this to MonoTouch
- @C418 for his awesome music as seen in the release video
- and anyone else I forgot.