The quickest way to put this into practise is to
- for the repository
- from project settings of forked project change the name of the repository from into This is enough to publish the website at
- Edit the following files to customize the page:
(change the css path from /css/main_flatly.css to match some other css file in /css-folder- edit
etc. posts in the root directory - add new blogposts into _posts/ folder. (Follow the same naming scheme as the existing posts)
- As you go with the edits check out the results at
- fork the repository by hitting the Fork-button on the top right and pick your profile
- clone the repository with
git clone
- edit the content of .md files or create new ones
- edit the links to pages & css files in
- edit the _config.yml and change the baseurl to match your future repository. It may be
- run
jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ''
to build the site locally and to react to your edits
Once your are happy with how it looks like:
- create a new repository
at GitHub - reset the remote for your project
git remote set-url origin
- add new files to git using
git add --all
- stage and commit the changes with
git commit -a -m "message comes here"
- push the first time
git push -u origin master
- add, remove, change files
- add new files to git using
git add --all
- stage and commit the changes with
git commit -a -m "message comes here"
- push the committed change
git push