A simple script for collapsible elements. One element triggers (or toggles) another (or more) elements that are collapsible.
With NPM: npm i @dirkjf/collapsible
or with Yarn: yarn add @dirkjf/collapsible
In a JS file add import '@dirkjf/collapsible'
. In your (S)CSS add: @import '~@dirkjf/collapsible/dist/styles/collapsible.css'
(or if you use PostCSS-import simply add @import '~@dirkjf/collapsible'
With one trigger you can collapse as many elements as you want. As long as their classnames contain the value of data-collapsible-target on the trigger.
<button data-collapsible-target="collapsible-one">Toggle me</button>
<div class="collapsible-one">
This div will be collapsed because the classname matches "data-collapsible-target"
For a live example see https://jsfiddle.net/dirkjf/nyLtg24v/.
By default, the transition from open to closed and vise versa is 0.2 seconds. You can change this by setting the css property --collapsible-transition-time
that is scoped to the element. You can change the time like so:
[class^="collapsible"] {
--collapsible-transition-time: 1s;
Sometimes it can be desireable to close the collapsing element when the user clicks outside of it. This can be done by adding the attribute data-close-on-click-outside
to the collapsing element like so:
<div class="collapsible-x" data-close-on-click-outside>
This will close when clicked outside this element