This repository contains the final project of my data science class as part of a Masters in Biomedical Informatics. I used open source data published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to investigate the following:
- Is there an assocation between CMS “Accountable Care” Contracting Models and Skilled Nursing Facility Staffing Ratios?
- Can Logistic Regression Surface Gamesmenship By Skilled Nursing Facility Administrators?
The written reports are available in the root directory as html files.
├── report_pt1.html
├── report_pt2.html
├── analysis: *Messy* R and Excel analysis underlying the final reports
├── data
│ ├── data_dictionaries: a non-exhaustive collection of data dictionaries
│ ├── interim: result of `.py ` ETL scripts
│ ├── raw: diretory for raw data files (not included in repo)
│ ├── inventory.qmd: A table outlining available data sources
├── transform: Python scripts for loading and transforming data
├── report_pt1.Rmd
├── report_pt1.html
├── report_pt2.Rmd
├── report_pt2.html