Package to control a V6M ethernet relay boards using Python. I can't read Chinese on the controller, but the unit operates nicely and can be configured using HTTP and controlled on port 1234. It theoretically supports MQTT protocol, but I haven't received that documentation yet.
The underlying command structure sent to the board is simple. The following example would turn on relay 1, and turn off relay 3. The remaining relays are left unchanged: setr=1x0xxxxxx
The board supports other controls:
- '0' - off
- '1' - on
- '2' - pulse (on, delay, off)
- '3' - toggle
- '4' - group 2 relays adjacent relays. On if '4x', off if 'x4'.
This package only supports turning relays on and off through the V6M.set_relay method.
The board also supports 8 inputs. As a default from the factory, the inputs directly control the relays. This can be disabled through the web interface. The state of the inputs can be read using the V6M.get_sensor interface, or by setting the sensor_callback.
The board will not send immediate feedback when input levels changed, so the board is polled every second.
from time import sleep
from pyv6m import V6M
hub = V6M( '', 1234 )
# Turn the first relay on
hub.set_relay( 0, True )
# Pause for a second
# Turn the first relay off
hub.set_relay( 0, False )
# Close the interface