I was a TA of COMP301 - Programming Languages Theory in Fall 2019 and Fall 2020 in Koç University.
Stored in this repository are the materials I took part in preparing for this class.
Fall 2019 - 1: Set definitions, Scheme.
Fall 2019 - 2: Lambda calculus, stacks, bigits, environment.
Fall 2019 - 3: AST, rules of inference, derivation tree.
Fall 2019 - 4:
, environment. -
Fall 2019 - 5:
, currying, dynamic binding. -
Fall 2019 - 6:
, recursion, lexical addressing. -
Fall 2019 - 7: Mutable Pairs.
Fall 2019 - 8: No PS, added for the record.
Fall 2019 - 9:
, Parameter Passing. -
Fall 2019 - 10:
, CPS. -
Fall 2019 - Bonus: Dynamic scoping, static scoping.
Fall 2020 - 1: Representations, Scheme. Prepared together with Barış Batuhan Topal.
Fall 2020 - 2:
, Scheme, AST. Prepared together with Barış Batuhan Topal. -
Fall 2020 Project 4 Parameter Passing, CPS,
. Prepared together with Barış Batuhan Topal.