A face recognition application using Python and Tkinter for the GUI.
This application allows users to perform face recognition and capture photos. It includes a signup and login system, and user data is stored using SQLite. The face recognition is based on OpenCV, and the GUI is built with Tkinter.
- User Authentication: Secure signup and login system.
- Face Recognition: Detects faces using OpenCV and provides blink detection.
- Capture Photos: Capture and save user photos upon face detection.
- SQLite Database: Stores user data in an SQLite database.
- Spoof Free: Avoids Spoofing
- Maximum retries: Maximum 3 retries are allowed while login.
- Python 3.x
- OpenCV
- Tkinter
- shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat (this file should be in the same directory as other .py files)