This image allows to run Injectify by samdenty localy inside of a docker container with a local database.
Injectify is a web based MiTM tool, similiar to BeEF (although completely unrelated in terms of source code). It uses modern web technologies such as ReactJS, Redux, Typescript and Webpack.
git clone
cd docker-injectify
docker build -t injectify .
To use Injectify properly, you first need to register a new OAuth-Application in Github. In the field ** Authorization callback URL ** you need to input your url (with http) where the finished Injectify-Website will be available , e.g All other fields in the form can be choosen freely.
Note: The default port of Injectify is 3000 but can be changed at startup
docker run -d --name Injectify -e GIT_APP_ID=<your-app-id> -e GIT_APP_SECRET=<your-app-secret> evait/injectify:latest
To change the port to listen to, you can change the PORT-Enviroment variable
docker run -d --name Injectify -p <desired-port>:<desired-port> -e PORT=<desired-port> -e GIT_APP_ID=<your-app-id> -e GIT_APP_SECRET=<your-app-secret> evait/injectify:latest