Several improvements have been made in this version.
Added system tray - This gives you an easy view if the JobTracker is already running. A small icon is displayed in the Windows system tray.
With this, it is now also possible to restart the tracker without opening a completely new instance or to quit the program without switching to the task manager. (#9) -
Update-Check - As soon as there is a new update for the tracker, you will be notified. (#15)
Notification messages revised. - Notifications are now grouped into 4 categories. 1.) Information messages, 2.) Warnings, 3.) Errors, 4.) Success. Depending on the grouping, a different symbol now appears. (5fc7cdb)
Multi-instances are detected - multi-instances can now no longer be started. The JobTracker can only be executed once, any further execution will result in an error message. (#3)
Implementation of an API key. To increase security, an API key has been implemented. (#10)
Fixed a bug that in some cases did not allow sending a job to the API. (#5)
Jobs are saved locally when there is no data connection. If a data connection can be re-established at a later time, jobs are subsequently sent to the API. (#8)
Dependencies are downloaded and installed on demand selection. (#11)
Discord rich presence has been implemented in the tracker. (#12)
Jobs are now sent to the API as JSON (code optimization) (#17)