I'm Henrik Finsberg, a Chief Research Engineer working at Simula Research Laboratory in department of Computational Physiology in Oslo, Norway🇳🇴.
I care about reproducibility and good software design. I work primarily with Python but also do some work with JavaScript, C and C++. Recently, I am also trying to pick up Rust.
I work actively on creating tools and guidelines for reproducible research software in the section for scientific computing
A few open source projects I work on
- ap_features - Library for computing features for action potential traces
- mps - Tool for working with cardiac MPS data
- mps-motion - Motion tracking software for cardiac MPS data
- gotranx - Library for declaring and translating ODEs
- goss - General ODE system solver
I am also an active user of FEniCS and are working on adopting several of my packages to FEniCSx including
- simcardems - Simula Cardiac ElectroMechanics Solver (FEniCSx version is coming in the future)
- fenics-pulse and fenicsx-pulse - Simulation software for cardiac mechanics
- fenics-plotly and fenicsx-plotly Library for plotting object with plotly
- fenics-ldrb anx fenicsx-ldrb - Library for creating rule-based fiber orientations
- cardiac-geometries anx cardiac-geometriesx - Library for generating idealized cardiac geometries