SF CLI Extensions from Salesforce Customer Success Group (CSG)
We recommend using the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) IDE for your plugin development. Included in the .vscode
directory of this plugin is a launch.json
config file, which allows you to attach a debugger to the node process when running your commands.
To debug the sf package build
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run package build -u ORG_ALIAS
Some common debug commands:
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run admin user access -u ORG_ALIAS
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run admin user unmask -u ORG_ALIAS -l test.user@trail.com.trail
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run admin user unmask -u ORG_ALIAS -f ./unmask-options.json
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run admin workspace delete -u ORG_ALIAS
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run admin workspace delete -u ORG_ALIAS -l test.user@trail.com.trail
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run apex coverage clear -u ORG_ALIAS
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run apex coverage execute -u ORG_ALIAS
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run apex coverage:report -u ORG_ALIAS
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run apex scaffold -u ORG_ALIAS -s Account
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run apex scaffold -u ORG_ALIAS -o scaffold-options.json
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run api get -u ORG_ALIAS -m Account -i INSTANCE_ID
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run api get -u ORG_ALIAS -m ContentVersion.VersionData -i INSTANCE_ID -o MyOrg-{Id}.pdf
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run api file -u TRAIL -r test/ContentVersion.csv -c VersionData,PathOnClient
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run package build -u ORG_ALIAS -o package-options.json
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run package build -u ORG_ALIAS -s -a
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run package build -f deploy
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run package merge -s ./test/commands/merge/package-a.xml -d ./test/commands/merge/package-b.xml
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run package permissions -u ORG_ALIAS -x manifest/package-profile.xml
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run schema dictionary -u ORG_ALIAS
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run schema profile retrieve -u ORG_ALIAS -n Admin
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run schema usage -m Account,Case
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run source permissions -p force-app
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run source profile -u ORG_ALIAS -m -o test
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run source delta md5 -m test/md5.test.txt -s test/force-app -d test/deploy
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run source delta git -g test/git-full-dir.test.txt -s test/force-app -d test/deploy
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run source delta git -o delta-options.json
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk bin/run source xpath -o xpath-options.json
- Set some breakpoints in your command code
- Click on the Debug icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code to open up the Debug view.
- In the upper left hand corner of VS Code, verify that the "Attach to Remote" launch configuration has been chosen.
- Hit the green play button to the left of the "Attach to Remote" launch configuration window. The debugger should now be suspended on the first line of the program.
- Hit the green play button at the top middle of VS Code (this play button will be to the right of the play button that you clicked in step #5). Congrats, you are debugging!
If you are contributing to this repo - you can just link the plugin to SF CLI:
sf plugins link
Otherwise install the plug-in:
sf plugins install @salesforce/sf-pack
Verify link/install:
sf sf-pack -h
NOTE: Installing unsigned plugins automatically
sf admin user access
sf admin user unmask
sf admin workspace delete
sf apex coverage clear
sf apex coverage execute
sf apex coverage report
sf apex scaffold
sf api file
sf api get
sf package build
sf package merge
sf package permissions
sf schema dictionary
sf schema profile retrieve
sf schema usage
sf source delta git
sf source delta md5
sf source permissions
sf source profile
sf source xpath
Generates a report which defines user access via PermissionSet to Salesforce Apps.
$ sf admin user access -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-l <value>] [-r <value>]
-l, --appList=<value> A comma delimited list of Apps to check access for.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-r, --report=<value> The optional path for the generated report.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Generates a report which defines user access via PermissionSet to Salesforce Apps.
$ sf admin user access -u myOrgAlias
Creates a report UserAccess-myOrgAlias.xlsx on User access to all the Apps based on PermissionSets and Profiles.
$ sf admin user access -u myOrgAlias -l 'Sales','Platform'
Creates a report UserAccess-myOrgAlias.xlsx on User access to the specified Apps based on PermissionSets and Profiles.
Removes the .invalid extension from a User's email address. This extension is automatically added when a sandbox is refreshed.
$ sf admin user unmask -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-l <value>] [-f <value>]
-f, --userFile=<value> A file which contains a list of usernames for the User objects to update.
-l, --userList=<value> A comma delimited list of usernames for the User objects to update.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Removes the .invalid extension from a User's email address. This extension is automatically added when a sandbox is
$ sf admin user unmask -u myOrgAlias -l 'user1@sf.com, user2@sf.com, user3@sf.com'
Removes the .invalid extension from the email address associated to the list of specified users in the specified Org.
$ sf admin user unmask -u myOrgAlias -f qa-users.txt
Removes the .invalid extension from the email address associated to the list of users in the specified file in the specified Org.
Deletes the Developer Console IDEWorkspace object for the specified user(s).
$ sf admin workspace delete -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-l <value>]
-l, --userList=<value> A comma delimited list of usernames to reset workspaces for.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Deletes the Developer Console IDEWorkspace object for the specified user(s).
$ sf admin workspace delete -u myOrgAlias
Deletes the Developer Console IDEWorkspace objects for the specified target username (-u).
$ sf admin workspace delete -u myOrgAlias -l 'user1@sf.com, user2@sf.com, user3@sf.com'
Deletes the Developer Console IDEWorkspace objects for the specified list of users (-l).
Clears the Apex Code Coverage data from the specified Org.
$ sf apex coverage clear -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-m <value>] [-n <value>]
-m, --metadatas=<value> An optional comma separated list of metadata to include. The defaults are:
-n, --classOrTriggerNames=<value> An optional comma separated list of class or trigger names to include
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Clears the Apex Code Coverage data from the specified Org.
$ sf apex coverage clear -u myOrgAlias
Deletes the existing instances of ApexCodeCoverageAggregate from the specific Org.
Executes Apex tests and includes Code Coverage metrics.
$ sf apex coverage execute -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-w <value>]
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-w, --wait=<value> The optional wait time (minutes) for test execution to complete. A value of -1 means
infinite wait. A value of 0 means no wait. The default is -1
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Executes Apex tests and includes Code Coverage metrics.
$ sf apex coverage execute -u myOrgAlias
Enqueues Apex Tests to be run in myOrgAlias with Code Coverage metrics. The command block until all tests have completed.
$ sf apex coverage execute -u myOrgAlias -w 30
Enqueues Apex Tests to be run in myOrgAlias with Code Coverage metrics and waits up to 30 minutes for test completion.
$ sf apex coverage execute -u myOrgAlias -w 0
Enqueues Apex Tests to be run in myOrgAlias with Code Coverage metrics and returns immediately.
Pull Code Coverage metrics and generates a report.
$ sf apex coverage report -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-r <value>] [-w <value>]
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-r, --report=<value> The optional path for the generated report.
-w, --wait=<value> The optional wait time (minutes) for test execution to complete. A value of -1 means
infinite wait. A value of 0 means no wait. The default is -1
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Pull Code Coverage metrics and generates a report.
$ sf apex coverage report -u myOrgAlias -r myCodeCoverageReport.xlsx
Pulls the Code Coverage metrics from myOrgAlias and generates a CodeCoverageReport-myOrgAlias.xlsx report.
Generates Apex test classes (and cls-meta files) for specified CustomObjects.
$ sf apex scaffold -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-s <value>] [-o <value>]
-o, --options=<value> A file containing the Apex Test scaffold options. Specifying this option will create the
file if it doesn't exist already.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-s, --sobjects=<value> A comma separated list of SObject types generate Apex Test classes for. This list overrides
any SObjects list in the options file.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Generates Apex test classes (and cls-meta files) for specified CustomObjects.
$ sf apex scaffold -u myOrgAlias -s Account,MyObject__c'
Generates AccountTest.cls & MyObjectTest.cls Apex test classes (and cls-meta files) for the Account & MyObject__c SObject types. Random values assigned to required fields by default
$ sf apex scaffold -u myOrgAlias -o scaffold-options.json
Generates Apex test classes (and cls-meta files) for specified CustomObjects. The specified options file is used.
Uploads ContentVersion files using a multi-part message when necessary.
$ sf api file -r <value> -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-c <value>] [-a]
-a, --allornothing Set this flag to stop the upload process on the first error
-c, --columns=<value> A comma separated list of the columns to use from the CSV file. If not specified, all the
columns are used.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-r, --records=<value> (required) The Path to the file (CSV) containing the ContentVersion record data to upload
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Uploads ContentVersion files using a multi-part message when necessary.
$ sf api file -u myOrgAlias -r ContentVersions.csv
Uploads the ContentVersion records defined in ContentVersions.csv.
NOTE: filename = PathOnClient, filePath = ContentVersion then PathOnClient
$ sf api file -u myOrgAlias -r ContentVersions.csv -c ContentDocumentId,VersionData,PathOnClient
Uploads the ContentVersion records defined in ContentVersions.csv using only the columns: ContentDocumentId,VersionData,PathOnClient.
NOTE: filename = PathOnClient, filePath = ContentVersion then PathOnClient
$ sf api file -u myOrgAlias -r ContentVersions.csv -a
Uploads the ContentVersion records defined in ContentVersions.csv. The whole process will stop on the first failure.
NOTE: filename = PathOnClient, filePath = ContentVersion then PathOnClient
Performs the GET REST action against the specified URL/URI.
$ sf api get -m <value> -i <value> -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-o <value>] [-t]
-i, --ids=<value> (required) A comma delimited list of Ids to get. A file will be written for each Id provided
-m, --metadata=<value> (required) The metadata to execute the API against. The dot operator can be used to retrieve
a specific field (i.e. ContentVersion.VersionData)
-o, --output=<value> OPTIONAL: The output folder path for the files. The current directory is the default.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-t, --tooling Set to true to specify the Tooling API.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Performs the GET REST action against the specified URL/URI.
$ sf api get -u myOrgAlias -m Account -i 068r0000003slVtAAI
Performs the GET REST API action against the Account metadata type with an id of 068r0000003slVtAAI and writes the body to 068r0000003slVtAAI.json.
$ sf api get -u myOrgAlias -t true -m Account -i 068r0000003slVtAAI -o ./output/files/{Id}.json
Performs the GET REST API action against the Account metadata type with an id of 068r0000003slVtAAI and writes the body to ./output/files/068r0000003slVtAAI.json.
$ sf api get -u myOrgAlias -m ContentVersion.VersionData -i 068r0000003slVtAAI -o ./output/files/{Id}.pdf
Performs the GET REST API action against the ContentVersion metadata type with an id of 068r0000003slVtAAI and writes the VersionData field value body to 068r0000003slVtAAI.pdf.
NOTE: Not all metadata types support field data access.
Builds a standard SF source format package file from the specified org's existing metadata.
$ sf package build -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-x <value>] [-m <value>] [-o <value>] [-n <value>]
[-f <value>] [-a]
-a, --append Set this flag to 'true' if you wish to append to the existing package.xml file. The default
(false) overwrites the existing file.
-f, --folder=<value> The path to the folder containing the MDAPI formatted files to create the package for.
-m, --metadata=<value> A comma separated list of metadata to include. This list overrides any exclude list in the
options file.
-n, --namespaces=<value> A comma separated list of namespaces to include when retrieving metadata. By default
namespaces are excluded.
-o, --options=<value> A file containing the package build options. Specifying this option will create the file if
it doesn't exist already.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-x, --package=<value> The path to the package file to be generated. By default the path is 'package.xml'
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Builds a standard SF source format package file from the specified org's existing metadata.
$ sf package build -o options/package-options.json -x manifest/package-acu.xml -u myOrgAlias
Builds a SF package file (./manifest/package.xml) which contains all the metadata from the myOrgAlias.
The options defined (options/package-options.json) are honored when building the package.
$ sf package build -f deploy
Builds a SF package file (./manifest/package.xml) from the MDAPI formatted data in the deploy folder .
Merges one SF package file into another.
$ sf package merge -s <value> -d <value> -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-c]
-c, --compare Include this flag to compare the two packages. Both packages will have common items
-d, --destination=<value> (required) The destination SF package which contains the merge results. It will be created
if it does not exist.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-s, --source=<value> (required) The source SF package. This package wins all conflict battles!
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Merges one SF package file into another.
$ sf package merge -s manifest/package.xml -d manifest/package-sprint17.xml
Merges package.xml into package-sprint17.xml
$ sf package merge -s manifest/package-a.xml -d manifest/package-b.xml -c
Compares package-a.xml to package-b.xml and removes common elements from BOTH packages - leaving only the differences.
Retrieve all metadata related to Profile security/access permissions.
$ sf package permissions -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-x <value>] [-m <value>] [-n <value>]
-m, --metadata=<value> A comma separated list of the metadata types to include. This overrides the default list:
PermissionSet, Profile, ApexClass, PageAccesses, CustomApplication, CustomObject,
CustomField, CustomTab, RecordType, Layout.
-n, --namespaces=<value> A comma separated list of namespaces to include when retrieving metadata. By default
namespaces are excluded.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-x, --package=<value> The path to the package file to be generated. By default the path is
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Retrieve all metadata related to Profile security/access permissions.
$ sf package permissions -u myOrgAlias
Creates a package file (package-permissions.xml) which contains
Profile & PermissionSet metadata related to PermissionSet, Profile, ApexClass, PageAccesses, CustomApplication, CustomObject, CustomField, CustomTab, RecordType, Layout permissions.
$ sf package permissions -u myOrgAlias -m CustomObject,CustomApplication
Creates a package file (package-permissions.xml) which contains
Profile & PermissionSet metadata related to CustomObject & CustomApplication permissions.
Generates a DataDictionary-[Org].xlsx file from an Org's Object & Field metadata.
$ sf schema dictionary -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-r <value>] [-n <value>] [-o <value>] [-t <value>]
-n, --namespaces=<value> A comma separated list of namespaces to include when retrieving metadata. By default
namespaces are excluded.
-o, --options=<value> OPTIONAL: A file containing the Data Dictionary options. Specifying this option will create
the file if it doesn't exist already.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-r, --report=<value> The path for the data dictionary report XLSX file. This overrides the default:
-t, --tmpFile=<value> OPTIONAL: The path of a pregenerated dictionary tmp file.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Generates a DataDictionary-[Org].xlsx file from an Org's Object & Field metadata.
$ sf schema dictionary -u myOrgAlias
Generates a DataDictionary-myOrgAlias.xlsx file from an Org's configured Object & Field metadata.
Retries Profiles from Org without need to generate package.xml
$ sf schema profile retrieve -n <value> -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>]
-n, --names=<value> (required) Comma separated profile names with out any extension.Example "Admin,Agent". 5
Profiles can be retrieved at a time
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Retries Profiles from Org without need to generate package.xml
$ sf schema profile retrieve -u myOrgAlias -n "Admin,Support"
Retrieves 5 profiles at a time. Default Path - force-app/main/default/profile
Generates a custom field usage report for specified Objects.
$ sf schema usage -m <value> -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-r <value>] [-n <value>]
-m, --objects=<value> (required) A comma separated list of standard or custom to include in the report.
-n, --namespaces=<value> A comma separated list of namespaces to include when retrieving metadata. By default
namespaces are excluded.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-r, --report=<value> The path for the usage report XLSX file. This overrides the default:
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Generates a custom field usage report for specified Objects.
$ sf schema usage -u myOrgAlias
Generates a CustomFieldUsage-myOrgAlias.xlsx report detailing the CustomField usage for the specified objects.
Uses a git-diff file to detect deltas. Generate a git-diff.txt diff file as follows: git --no-pager diff --name-status --no-renames -w > git-diff.txt
$ sf source delta git [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-g <value>] [-o <value>] [-s <value>] [-d <value>] [-f
<value>] [-i <value>] [-r <value>] [-c] [-a <value>]
-a, --copyfulldir=<value> Specifies a comma delimited list of directories where all files should be copied if one of
the files changed. The default list is:
-c, --check Does a dry-run of a deployment. Inspect the log file for results. NOTE: This option is
ignored if no (d)estination option is provided.
-d, --destination=<value> The destination folder for the deltas.
-f, --force=<value> Path to a file containing folders & files to include in the delta destination. Will
override md5/git AND ignore file contents.
-g, --git=<value> The output of a git-diff command (https://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff)
-i, --ignore=<value> Path to a file containing folders & files to ignore. Will override md5/git file contents.
-o, --options=<value> A file containing the delta command options. Specifying this option will create the file
if it doesn't exist already.
-r, --deletereport=<value> Path to a file to write deleted files.
-s, --source=<value> The source folder to start the delta scan from.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Uses a git-diff file to detect deltas. Generate a git-diff.txt diff file as follows: git --no-pager diff --name-status
--no-renames -w <target branch> > git-diff.txt
$ sf source delta git -g git.txt -s force-app -d deploy
Reads the specified -(g)it diff file 'git.txt' and uses it to identify the deltas in
-(s)ource 'force-app' and copies them to -(d)estination 'deploy'
Uses an MD5 hash file to detect deltas.
$ sf source delta md5 [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-m <value>] [-o <value>] [-s <value>] [-d <value>] [-f
<value>] [-i <value>] [-r <value>] [-c] [-a <value>]
-a, --copyfulldir=<value> Specifies a comma delimited list of directories where all files should be copied if one of
the files changed. The default list is:
-c, --check Does a dry-run of a deployment. Inspect the log file for results. NOTE: This option is
ignored if no (d)estination option is provided.
-d, --destination=<value> The destination folder for the deltas.
-f, --force=<value> Path to a file containing folders & files to include in the delta destination. Will
override md5/git AND ignore file contents.
-i, --ignore=<value> Path to a file containing folders & files to ignore. Will override md5/git file contents.
-m, --md5=<value> The MD5 hash list file to use
-o, --options=<value> A file containing the delta command options. Specifying this option will create the file
if it doesn't exist already.
-r, --deletereport=<value> Path to a file to write deleted files.
-s, --source=<value> The source folder to start the delta scan from.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Uses an MD5 hash file to detect deltas.
$ sf source delta md5 -m md5.txt -s force-app -d deploy
Reads the specified -(m)d5 file 'md5.txt' and uses it to identify the deltas in
-(s)ource 'force-app' and copies them to -(d)estination 'deploy'
Generate a security report based on configured permissions.
$ sf source permissions -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-p <value>] [-r <value>] [-f <value>]
-f, --folders=<value> OPTIONAL: A comma separated list of folders to include. This list overrides the defaults:
**/objects/*/*.object-meta.xml, **/objects/*/fields/*.field-meta.xml,
**/permissionsets/*.permissionset-meta.xml, **/profiles/*.profile-meta.xml.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-p, --source=<value> OPTIONAL: The source folder to start the meta scan from. Overrides the project's default
package directory folder.
-r, --report=<value> OPTIONAL: The path for the permissions report XLSX file. This overrides the default:
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Generate a security report based on configured permissions.
The accuracy of this report is dependant on the configuration in the local project.
It is suggested that a permissions package be created using the acu-pack:package:permissions
command and that package is retrieved from the org prior to executing this command.
$ sf source permissions -u myOrgAlias
Reads security information from source-formatted configuration files (**/objects/*/*.object-meta.xml, **/objects/*/fields/*.field-meta.xml, **/permissionsets/*.permissionset-meta.xml, **/profiles/*.profile-meta.xml) located in default project source location and writes the 'PermissionsReport.xlsx' report file.
Determines the compatibility for one or more profiles metadata files with a specified Org. WARNING: This command should be executed by a user with full read permissions to all objects & fields.
$ sf source profile -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-p <value>] [-m] [-o <value>]
-m, --modify OPTIONAL: Setting this flag to true will updated the existing metadata to remove the
incompatible entries.
-o, --output=<value> OPTIONAL: The output folder path for the modified profile metadata files. The existing files
are overwritten if not specified.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-p, --source=<value> OPTIONAL: Comma separated path to the Profile and/or PermissionsSet metadata to evaluate.
This overrides the defaults:
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Determines the compatibility for one or more profiles metadata files with a specified Org. WARNING: This command
should be executed by a user with full read permissions to all objects & fields.
$ sf source profile -u myOrgAlias
Compares the profile metadata files in **/profiles/*.profile-meta.xml,**/permissionsets/*.permissionset-meta.xml to the specified Org to determine deployment compatibility.
$ sf source profile -m true -u myOrgAlias
Compares the profile metadata files in **/profiles/*.profile-meta.xml,**/permissionsets/*.permissionset-meta.xml to the specified Org to and updates the metadata files to ensure deployment compatibility.
Validates XML against xpath selects and known bad values.
$ sf source xpath -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [-o <value>]
-o, --options=<value> A file containing the XPathOptions json. Specifying this option will create the file if it
doesn't exist already.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Validates XML against xpath selects and known bad values.
$ sf source xpath -o ./xpathOptions.json"
Validates the project source from the x-path rules specified in 'xpath-options.json'