Welcome to Ticket Manager, this application is for IT touble ticketing with three different UI's (Admin, User, Tech) based on the role you sign in as.
- Create trouble tickets
- Upload an avatar
- View status of their tickets
- Create accounts
- Edit/delete accounts
- View all tickets
- View all tickets
- Claim, comment, and resolve tickets
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the repository and install dependeniecs from the CLI:
(1) git clone (URL from FORK)
(2) cd client
(3) npm install
(4) cd ..
(5) cd server
(6) npm install
- Ensure you have latest PSQL version installed on your local machine running the command psql -V or psql --version.
- Run the following CLI commands:
(1) "createdb [insert DB name]"
(2) "psql -l" (verify that the database was created locally)
(3) "psql [DB name]" (access the database) - Navigate to directory ./server/db to create the tables and seed the test data.
- Seed data already has a test user, admin, and tech account
- The password must be at least five characters. To adjust the minimum characters, edit the schemaValid.js file located in ./client/src/Components/Login.
- Run the command "psql [your DB name] -f testdb2.sql".
- Verify the tables from testdb2.sql were created by typing the following in the CLI:
(1) "psql [DB name]"
(2) "\d" (will list all tables in accessed database)
- This application requires two CLIs; one for the client and one for the server.
- In one CLI, navigate to the server directory then run the following script: npm start.
- In the second CLI, navigate to the client directory then run the following script: npm start.
- When the application is started, you will be prompted to sign in. Use one of these test accounts:
email: "admin@test.com" or "tech@test.com" or "user@test.com"
password: "password" (They all have the same password)
This application is set up for the following that will require editing:
- Create a .env file (look at .env.template for environment variables)
- .env file needs to be set up prior to running application
- AWS S3 (see s3.js and .env.template if you want to config photo upload ability)