This is the framework that will allow a user to create a simple web application that will allow the user to send a file to a Node-RED instance from a browser.
To run in production please follow these steps. The process below is not meant for production.
- Python 3.X
- Flask (installed when running bat or .sh)
- requests (installed when running bat or .sh)
Edit the lines in the body of index.html to include the endpoints to which you would like to send the files.
<option value="http://localhost:1880/fileupload">CSV File Upload</option>
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the directory:
cd FF_Send-File-to-NR
Run the script:
This will install if necessary, start the Flask Application, and take you to localhost:5000 on the browser.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the directory:
cd FF_Send-File-to-NR
Make the script executable: Run:
chmod +x
To Run:
To access the application, open a browser to the ip:5000 of the running application.