This ansible playbook project will accomplish the following tasks
- Provision virtual machine nodes to participate in fabric network
- Install necessary hyperledger dependent libraries and packages
- Setup overlay network so containers can communicate cross multiple docker host
- Install registrator and dns services so that containers can be referenced by name
- Build hyperledger fabric artifacts
- Run hyperledger fabric tests
- Generate fabric network certificats, genesis blocks, transaction file etc
- Push new or tagged fabric images onto all docker hosts
- Deploy fabric network
In development
- Install Ansible
- [Ubuntu 16.04 machines] (
- Clone this project into a directory.
If you will be using an Ubuntu system as Ansible controller, then you can easily setup an environment by running the following script. If you have other system as your Ansible controller, you can do similar steps to setup the environment, the command may not be exact the same but the steps you need to do should be identical.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip libssl-dev libffi-dev -y
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install six==1.10.0
sudo pip install ansible==
git clone
This project requires that you use Ansible version or above
This step is to provision a set of virtual servers from an OpenStack cloud. Before you run the following command, you will need to either make a copy of the vars/os.yml file or make changes to that file to reflect your cloud settings. If you already have a set of servers (such as a set of VirtualBox virtual machines), you can skip this step, but you will need to follow the instructions below to manually create a runhosts file.
With the correct cloud environment settings in vars/os.yml, run the script to provision a set of virtual machines::
ansible-playbook -e "mode=apply cloud_type=os env=os password=XXXXX" provcluster.yml
The above command will provision (prov is short for provision) a cluster of virtual machines on your OpenStack cloud the environment defined in vars/os.yml file. Replace xxxxx with your own password from your cloud provider. Replace os with your own cloud environment file if you decided to create a new one. If you like to provision from other cloud, you will need to specify the cloud_type to be aws, azure, or other cloud (plan to support aws).
This step produces a set of servers and an ansible host file named run/runhosts.
If you already have a set of servers available that you wish to use, then you can create a file by following the example below. And also make sure these server's hostname get setup as XXXXX001, XXXXX002, etc and they can can see each other by their hostnames. The XXXXX should be replaced with your own perference which gets used in the later configuration. In this example, the word "fabric" is used, but it can be anything that you prefer, make sure they are consistent.
cloud ansible_host= ansible_python_interpreter=python private_ip= public_ip= inter_name=fabric001 private_ip= public_ip= inter_name=fabric002 private_ip= public_ip= inter_name=fabric003
The above file is a typical ansible host file. The cloud ansible_host should be your ansible controller server, you should not change that line. All other lines in the file represent a server, private_ip and public_ip are the concept for cloud, if your servers are not in a cloud, then you can use the server's IP address for both private_ip and public_ip field, but you can not remove these two fields. The inter_name is also important, you should name the server sequentially and these names will be used in later configuration to allocate hyperledger fabric components. Group allnodes should list all the servers other than the ansible controller node. Group etcdnodes should list all the servers that you wish to install etcd services on. Group builders should list all the servers that you wish to use to build hyperledger fabric artifacts such as executables and docker images.
ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=apply env=os env_type=flanneld" initcluster.yml
The above command will initilize the cluster using flanneld overlay network. It installs flanneld network, dns and registrator services. Plan to support kubernetes in future.
ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=apply env=bc1st deploy_type=compose" setupfabric.yml
The env value in the command indicates which fabric network configuration to use. Variable deploy_type needs to be set to compose, in the future, plan to support kubernetes deployment. In above example, ansible looks for a file in vars directory named bc1st.yml, you can create as many files in that directory to reflect your own fabric network. Here is the bc1st.yml (short for block chain 1st network)::
# The url to the fabric source repository
# The gerrit patch set reference, should be automatically set by gerrit
GERRIT_REFSPEC: "refs/tags/v1.0.0-rc1"
# This variable defines fabric network attributes
fabric: {
ssh_user: "ubuntu",
network: {
fabric001: {
cas: ["ca.orga", "ca.orgb"],
peers: ["leader@1stpeer.orga", "leader@1stpeer.orgb"],
orderers: ["1storderer.orgc", "1storderer.orgd"],
zookeepers: ["zookeeper1st"],
kafkas: ["kafka1st"]
fabric002: {
cas: ["ca.orgc", "ca.orgd"],
peers: ["anchor@2ndpeer.orga", "anchor@2ndpeer.orgb"],
orderers: ["2ndorderer.orgc", "2ndorderer.orgd"],
zookeepers: ["zookeeper2nd"],
kafkas: ["kafka2nd"]
fabric003: {
peers: ["worker@3rdpeer.orga", "worker@3rdpeer.orgb"],
zookeepers: ["zookeeper3rd"],
kafkas: ["kafka3rd", "kafka4th"]
baseimage_tag: "1.0.0-rc1"
In above configuration, the fabric network will use 3 servers. The ansible controller will use ssh_user value to ssh connect to these servers to setup various components. baseimage_tag dictates what container images will be used to start fabric containers. If you intend to build images from the source code, you can happily leave the value of baseimage_tag to be blank, ansible controller will extract the source code using variables GERRIT_REFSPEC and GIT_URL to get the code, then compile and build all artifacts. These artifacts will be eventually pushed onto all the nodes and containers will be started using these images. If you just want to build from the latest code, then you can leave GERRIT_REFSPEC to be also blank. Other fields in the configuration file is self explanatory. Make changes according to your desire. The example bc1st.yml file defined 3 zookeeper nodes, 4 kafka nodes, 4 organizations, peers and orderers. Peers also being defined as anchor peer, leader peer or just simply worker peer. For your own configuration, you should create similar file to reflect your own fabric network setups, then use the file name in the place of bc1st in the ansible command to ultimately setup your fabric network.
The script will create an ansible inventory file named runhosts at the very first time you run the playbook, the inventory file will be place at a directory named "run" at the root directory of the playbook. This file will be updated in later runs if there are changes such as adding or removing hosts. With this file, if you like to run only few plays, you will be able to do that by following the example below:
ansible-playbook -i run/runhosts -e "mode=apply env=bc1st deploy_type=compose" setupfabric.yml
--<skip->tags "certsetup"
The above command will use the runhosts inventory file and only run play named certsetup, all other plays in the play books will be skipped. All available plays can be found in roles directory, each directory name is a name can be used in either --tags to be executed or --skip-tags not to be executed.
Once you're done with it, don't forget to nuke the whole thing::
ansible-playbook -e "mode=destroy env=bc1st deploy_type=compose" setupfabric.yml
The above command will destroy all the fabric resources created such as the executables on the build machines and all the fabric containers on all the servers.
If you created the entire environment on your cloud, and you do not want these machines any more, execute the following command to get rid of all the servers::
ansible-playbook -e "mode=destroy env=os password=XXXXX cloud_type=os" provcluster.yml
Since ansible access either the virtual machines that you create on a cloud or machines that you may already have by using ssh, setting up ssh-agent on the ansible controller is very important, without doing this most likely, the script will fail to connect to your servers. Follow the steps below to setting your ssh-agent on ansible controller which should be always the machine that you run the ansible script.
Create a ssh key pair (only do this once)::
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/fd
Run the command once in a session in which you run the ansible script::
eval $(ssh-agent -s) ssh-add ~/.ssh/fd
For the servers created in the cloud, this step is already done for you. For the existing servers, you will need to make sure that the key is in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Otherwise, the servers will reject the ssh connection from ansible controller.
In vars directory, this project comes with an OpenStack environment file. This file is used to provision virtual servers on OpenStack cloud. Here is the file, each field gets explained after the file::
auth: {
auth_url: "",
username: "litong01",
password: "{{ password }}",
project_name: "Interop"
# This variable defines cloud provision attributes
cluster: {
target_os: "ubuntu",
image_name: "Ubuntu 16.04",
region_name: "",
ssh_user: "ubuntu",
availability_zone: "compute_enterprise",
validate_certs: True,
private_net_name: "demonet",
flavor_name: "m1.medium",
public_key_file: "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/",
private_key_file: "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/fd",
# This variable indicate what IP should be used, only valid values are
# private_ip or public_ip
node_ip: "public_ip",
container_network: {
Network: "",
SubnetLen: 24,
SubnetMin: "",
SubnetMax: "",
Backend: {
Type: "udp",
Port: 8285
# the section defines preallocated IP addresses for each node, if there is no
# preallocated IPs, leave it blank
node_ips: ["", "", ""],
# fabric network node names expect to be using a clear pattern, this defines
# the prefix for the node names.
name_prefix: "fabric",
domain: "fabricnet",
# stack_size determines how many virtual or physical machines we will have
# each machine will be named ${name_prefix}001 to ${name_prefix}${stack_size}
stack_size: 3,
etcdnodes: ["fabric001", "fabric002", "fabric003"],
builders: ["fabric001"],
flannel_repo: "",
etcd_repo: "",
go_ver: "1.7.5",
# If volume want to be used, specify a size in GB, make volume size 0 if wish
# not to use volume from your cloud
volume_size: 0,
# cloud block device name presented on virtual machines.
block_device_name: "/dev/vdb"
The auth section provides the information about your OpenStack account, the information here should come from your OpenStack cloud provider.
The cluster section provides information about the servers that you like to create, also the information how to access them.
target_os: operating system that your servers will be using
image_name: cloud image you like to use to create virtual servers.
ssh_user: user id for ssh log in,
availability_zone: OpenStack availability zone
validate_certs: if validate the certificates when access servers.
private_net_name: private network name where servers being created on
flavor_name: virtual server specs
public_key_file: ssh public key file
private_key_file: ssh private key file
node_ip: use either private_ip or public_ip when access the servers
node_ips: preallocated ip addresses for each server
container_network: overlay network settings, do not change this
unless you absolutely know what you are doing
name_prefix: how to name virtual servers, can be any character except dot
domain: the fabric network domain name, can be any character except dot
stack_size: how many virtual servers to create,
etcdnodes: which servers to install etcd services
builders: which server to be used for building hyperledger fabric
flannel_repo: where to download flanneld
etcd_repo: where to download etcd
go_ver: version of golang to be installed
volume_size: future use
block_device_name: future use
The following rules should be set, the following example assumes that the overlay network is and the docker host network is, you should make changes based on your network::
Custom UDP Rule UDP 8285
Custom UDP Rule UDP 8285
Custom TCP Rule TCP 2000 - 60000
Custom TCP Rule TCP 2000 - 60000
All ICMP - IPv4 All N/A