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test property: FourierMotzkin / Simplex equivalence
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gruhn committed Apr 1, 2023
1 parent 0ba3e2a commit fe256c5
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Showing 6 changed files with 354 additions and 261 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ library
, Theory.BitVectors
, Theory.UninterpretedFunctions.Lazy
, Theory.UninterpretedFunctions.Eager
, Theory.LinearArithmatic.Constraint
, Theory.LinearArithmatic.FourierMotzkin
, Theory.LinearArithmatic.Simplex
, Theory.LinearArithmatic.BranchAndBound
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions src/Theory/LinearArithmatic/Constraint.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
module Theory.LinearArithmatic.Constraint where

import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Merge.Lazy as MM
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator)

type Var = Int

data ConstraintRelation = LessThan | LessEquals | Equals | GreaterEquals | GreaterThan
deriving (Show, Eq)

flipRelation :: ConstraintRelation -> ConstraintRelation
flipRelation = \case
LessThan -> GreaterThan
LessEquals -> GreaterEquals
Equals -> Equals
GreaterEquals -> LessEquals
GreaterThan -> LessThan

-- | Map from variable IDs to assigned values
type Assignment = M.IntMap Rational

-- |
-- For example, constraint such as `3x + y + 3 <= 0` is represented as:
-- (LessEquals, AffineExpr 3 (3x+y))
type Constraint = (ConstraintRelation, AffineExpr)

-- | Map from variable IDs to coefficients
type LinearExpr = M.IntMap Rational

data AffineExpr = AffineExpr
{ getConstant :: Rational
, getCoeffMap :: LinearExpr }

instance Show AffineExpr where
show (AffineExpr constant coeff_map) =
show_ratio ratio =
show (numerator ratio) ++
if denominator ratio == 1 then
"/" ++ show (denominator ratio)

show_signed ratio =
if ratio < 0 then
"(" ++ show_ratio ratio ++ ")"
show_ratio ratio

show_var (var, coeff) =
show_signed coeff ++ "*x" ++ show var

intercalate " + " (fmap show_var (M.toList coeff_map) ++ [show_signed constant])

varsIn :: Constraint -> S.IntSet
varsIn (_, AffineExpr _ coeff_map) = M.keysSet coeff_map

appearsIn :: Var -> Constraint -> Bool
appearsIn var = M.member var . getCoeffMap . snd

Solve a constraint for a variable. For example solving
0 <= 3x + 10y - 1
for x, yields
x >= -10/3y + 1/3
Returns `Nothing`, if the given variable does not appear in the
expression or the coefficient is zero.
solveFor :: Constraint -> Var -> Maybe Constraint
solveFor (rel, AffineExpr constant coeffs) x = do
coeff_of_x <- M.lookup x coeffs
guard (coeff_of_x /= 0)

let rel' = if coeff_of_x < 0 then flipRelation rel else rel

-- flip the relation: x >= -10/3y + 1/3
$ (rel', )
-- also divide constant term: x <= -10/3y + 1/3
$ AffineExpr (- constant / coeff_of_x)
-- divide coefficients: x <= -10/3y - 1
$ (/ (-coeff_of_x))
-- get x on the other side: -3x <= 10y - 1
$ M.delete x coeffs

eval :: Assignment -> AffineExpr -> Rational
eval assignment (AffineExpr constant coeff_map) =
(constant +) $ sum $
(MM.zipWithMatched (const (*)))

205 changes: 98 additions & 107 deletions src/Theory/LinearArithmatic/FourierMotzkin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,111 +1,102 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Theory.LinearArithmatic.FourierMotzkin where
module Theory.LinearArithmatic.FourierMotzkin (fourierMotzkin) where

import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Theory.LinearArithmatic.Constraint
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.List ((\\))

-- [a,b,c,d] :<=> (a*x + b*y + c*z + d <= 0)
type Constraint = V.Vector (Ratio Integer)

constraints :: [Constraint]
constraints =
[ [-2, 4,-5, 4 ]
, [-4, 5, 2, 1 ]
, [-5,-4, 0, 3 ]
, [ 3, 2,-4, 2 ]
, [ 1, 3, 4,-4 ]
, [ 4, 1, 1,-5 ] ]

data Bound = Upper Constraint | Lower Constraint | UnBounded
deriving Show

solveFor :: Int -> Constraint -> Bound
solveFor i vs
| x > 0 = Upper $ V.imap (\j y -> if j == i then 0 else y/x) vs
| x < 0 = Lower $ V.imap (\j y -> if j == i then 0 else -y/x) vs
| otherwise = UnBounded
x = vs V.! i

partitionByBound :: [Bound] -> ([Constraint], [Constraint])
partitionByBound [] = ([], [])
partitionByBound (b:bs) =
case b of
Lower l -> (l:ls, us)
where (ls, us) = partitionByBound bs
Upper u -> (ls, u:us)
where (ls, us) = partitionByBound bs
UnBounded -> partitionByBound bs

hasNonZeroVars :: Constraint -> Bool
hasNonZeroVars vs = foldl go 0 vs > 1
go sum x
| x == 0 = sum
| otherwise = sum + 1

fourierMotzkin :: [Constraint] -> [Constraint]
fourierMotzkin = go 0
go :: Int -> [Constraint] -> [Constraint]
go i constraints =
if any hasNonZeroVars constraints then
let bounds = solveFor i <$> constraints
(lowers, uppers) = partitionByBound bounds
new_constraints = [ V.zipWith (+) l u | l <- lowers, u <- uppers ]
in new_constraints <> go (i+1) new_constraints

linearDependent :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Bool
linearDependent vs ws = coeff /= 0 && (* coeff) vs == ws
div' x y
| y == 0 = 0
| otherwise = x/y

coeff =
fromMaybe 0 $ V.find (/=0) $ V.zipWith div' ws vs

f :: [Constraint]
f = do
let cs' = filter hasNonZeroVars $ fourierMotzkin constraints
cs = cs' -- <> constraints
c1 <- cs
guard (not (any (linearDependent c1) (cs \\ [c1])))
-- return ( realToFrac c1) -- , realToFrac c2]
return c1 -- , realToFrac c2]


-- simplexStep ::

data Term =
Var (Ratio Integer) Int -- variable with rational coefficient
| Const (Ratio Integer) -- constant rational value
| Add Term Term -- sum of terms
data Atom = Leq Term Term
type Constraint' = V.Vector (Ratio Integer)
variables :: Term -> [Int]
variables (Var _ v) = [v]
variables (Const _) = []
variables (Add t1 t2) =
variables t1 <> variables t2
toConstraint :: Atom -> Constraint'
toConstraint (Leq t1 t2) = V.generate vector_size go
vector_size = 1 + maximum (variables t1 <> variables t2)
go :: Int -> Ratio Integer
go i = undefined
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.List (partition)
import Debug.Trace

Trivial constraints have no variables and are satisfied, such as 0 < 1.
isTrivial :: Constraint -> Bool
isTrivial (rel, AffineExpr constant coeff_map) =
S.null (M.keysSet coeff_map) && case rel of
LessThan -> constant < 0
LessEquals -> constant <= 0
Equals -> constant == 0
GreaterEquals -> constant >= 0
GreaterThan -> constant > 0

eliminate :: Var -> [Constraint] -> [Constraint]
eliminate var constraints =
(constraints_with_var, constraints_without_var) =
partition (var `appearsIn`) constraints

constraints_with_var_eliminated :: [Constraint]
constraints_with_var_eliminated = do
-- c1: x - 1 >= 0
-- c2: 2x + 4 <= 0
let constraints_with_var' =
mapMaybe (`solveFor` var) constraints_with_var

-- c1: x <= 1
(upper_bound_rel, AffineExpr ub_const ub_coeffs) <- constraints_with_var'
guard (upper_bound_rel == LessEquals)

-- c2: x >= -2
(lower_bound_rel, AffineExpr lb_const lb_coeffs) <- constraints_with_var'
guard (lower_bound_rel == GreaterEquals)

-- -2 <= x <= 1
-- -2 <= 1
-- -2 - 1 <= 0
( LessEquals
, AffineExpr
(lb_const - ub_const)
(M.unionWith (-) lb_coeffs ub_coeffs)
constraints_without_var <> constraints_with_var_eliminated

fourierMotzkin :: [Constraint] -> Bool
fourierMotzkin = go . fmap reject_zero_coeffs
reject_zero_coeffs :: Constraint -> Constraint
reject_zero_coeffs (rel, AffineExpr constant expr) =
(rel, AffineExpr constant $ M.filter (/= 0) expr)

go :: [Constraint] -> Bool
go constraints
| not (all isTrivial constraints_no_vars) = False
| null constraints_with_vars = True
| otherwise = fourierMotzkin (eliminate next_var constraints_with_vars)
(constraints_no_vars, constraints_with_vars) =
partition (S.null . varsIn) constraints

next_var = fst
$ M.findMin
$ getCoeffMap . snd
$ head constraints_with_vars

-- linearDependent :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Bool
-- linearDependent vs ws = coeff /= 0 && (* coeff) vs == ws
-- where
-- div' x y
-- | y == 0 = 0
-- | otherwise = x/y
-- coeff =
-- fromMaybe 0 $ V.find (/=0) $ V.zipWith div' ws vs


-- SAT
example1 =
[ ( GreaterEquals
, AffineExpr 1 (M.singleton 0 (-1))
, ( GreaterEquals
, AffineExpr 0 (M.singleton 0 7)

example2 =
[ (LessEquals, AffineExpr 0 $ M.singleton 0 (-1))
, (GreaterEquals, AffineExpr 1 $ M.singleton 0 (-1))

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