Stack? No, Styök!
– push the value on stackPOP
– pop the value out of stackSWAP
– swap the last two valuesDUP
– duplicate the last valueIADD
– sum the last two valuesISUB
– sum the last two valuesIMUL
– sum the last two valuesIDIV
– sum the last two valuesINEG
– negate the last valueIREAD
– read from the console inputIPRINT
– pop and print the last valueSTOP
– must be the last command in each program
PUSH 10 ;Push new value to the stack
DUP ;Duplicate the last value
POP ;Throw the last value
IREAD ;Read an input as integer
ISWAP ;Swap two last values, why not :)
IMUL ;Multiply two last values
IPRINT ;Pop and print the last value