- "Task Management Application" project with React.
- Clone the repository and install its features.
npm install or yarn install
- Use the project locally (localhost).
npm start or yarn start
✔️ State management with Redux and Redux Toolkit
✔️ Adding an item to do with the new task button
✔️ Search in to-do list
✔️ Ability to categorize the added item (Drag and Drop)
✔️ Added items or categorized items are sortable
✔️ Edit, delete or mark added item as complete
👉 React.js
👉 Redux
👉 Redux Toolkit
👉 Tailwind CSS
👉 React-Beautiful-DND
👉 Classnames
👉 React-Icons
👉 Moment.js
👉 Nanoid
👉 SweetAlert2