Test generation for Solidity in Foundry format (https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry)
Example of Contract under Test:
contract C {
uint x;
function f(uint _x) public {}
function g(uint _x, uint _y) public {}
function w(uint _x) public {}
function i(uint _x) internal {}
Expected results of Test Generation:
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/contract_under_test.sol";
contract contract_under_test_Test is Test {
C c0, c1, c2, ... cN;
function setUp() public {
c0 = new C(); c1 = new C(); ... cN = new C();
function test_0() public {
function test_n() public {
- Aeval TestGen (https://github.com/izlatkin/aeval)
git clone https://github.com/izlatkin/aeval
cd aeval
git checkout tg-nonlin
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . && cmake /home/fmfsu/Dev/blockchain/aeval
- SMT Encoder set up
git clone https://github.com/leonardoalt/cav_2022_artifact
cd cav_2022_artifact
create a copy of https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/solc-js/master/smtsolver.ts
remove "solverOutput = execSync ..." section
add line to Dockerfile-solcmc:
COPY smtsolver_u.ts /home/solc-js/smtsolver.ts
echo "RUN sed -i 's/let solverOutput;/console.log(query); let solverOutput;/g' /home/solc-js/smtsolver.ts" >> Dockerfile-solcmc
docker build -f Dockerfile-solcmc . --rm -t testgen/cav
- Solidity Compiler ( > 8.x)
npm install -g solc
sudo snap install solc
- Foundry (source https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry)
git clone https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry
cd foundry
cargo install --path ./cli --bins --locked --force
cargo install --path ./anvil --locked --force
- LCov
brew install lcov
- GenHtml (part or lcov)
used for
solc a.sol --ast-compact-json
example of command
./docker_solcmc examples smoke_safe.sol Smoke 30 z3
git clone https://github.com/leonardoalt/adt_transform
cd adt_transform
cargo build
location of executable file and example of command
./target/debug/adt_transform adt_free.smt2
forge build
forge test
forge test --match Loop*
python3 ./scripts/SolidityTestGen.py -i ./src/Loop_1.sol
python3 ./scripts/RunAll.py -i folder_path -o ../testgen_output
python3 ./scripts/ReportBuilder.py -i testgen_dir