Node JS client and utilities for implementing a redsys payment gateway
Class |
Description |
Request could not be processed by Redsys | |
HTTP Error | |
Response cannot be parsed | |
Error superclass for all redsys-easy specific errors | |
Response contained an error code | |
Invalid input provided |
Function |
Description |
Asserts that response has a code indicating success | |
Asserts that a response code indicates success | |
Creates parameters for a 3DS method form | |
create3DSv1ChallengeForm(emv3dsV1Challenge, challengeNotificationUrl) |
Creates parameters for a 3DS v1 challenge form |
Creates parameters for a 3DS v2 challenge form | |
Creates Redsys API functions | |
Deserialize | |
Deserialize threeDSMethodData | |
Detects the soap version of a HTTP request | |
Returns the message corresponding to a response code, in spanish | |
Returns the message corresponding to a gateway error code | |
Indicates if a response code signals success | |
Creates the body of a HTTP response as SOAP 1.1 from the body of a SOAP notification response | |
Creates the body of a HTTP response as SOAP 1.2 from the body of a SOAP notification response | |
Extracts the body of a SOAP notification from the body of the HTTP request | |
Generates a random order ID following redsys requirements | |
Redirection input formatter | |
REST iniciaPeticion input formatter | |
REST iniciaPeticion output formatter | |
REST notification formatter | |
REST trataPeticion input formatter | |
REST trataPeticion output formatter | |
SOAP notification formatter | |
Applies an output formatter to a function | |
Applies an output formatter to the resolved ouput promise of a function | |
Applies an input formatter to the first argument of a function |
Interface |
Description |
Ouput parameters for the notification output formatter | |
Redirect form | |
Input parameters for the redirect input formatter | |
Input parameters for a redsys redirect request | |
Redsys API | |
Redsys API settings | |
Body of a successful redsys JSON HTTP response or notification | |
Input parameters for the REST iniciaPeticion input formatter | |
Ouput parameters for the REST iniciaPeticion output formatter | |
Input parameters for a IniciaPeticion HTTP request | |
Output parameters of a IniciaPeticion HTTP request | |
Parameters of a redsys REST notification | |
Input parameters for the REST trataPeticion input formatter | |
Ouput parameters for the REST trataPeticion output formatter | |
Input parameters for a TrataPeticion Peticion HTTP request | |
Output parameters of a TrataPeticion HTTP request | |
Parameters of a redsys SOAP notification | |
Contents of the | |
3DS v2 method data | |
3DS v2 method form | |
3DS v1 challenge form | |
Body of a 3DS v1 challenge completion notification | |
3DS v2 challenge form | |
Body of a 3DS v2 challenge completion notification | |
Body of a 3DS v2 method completion notification | |
URLs to configure the API |
Variable |
Description |
Card brand name to number | |
Maps ISO 3166 Alpha 2 codes to UN M49 numbers | |
Maps a ISO 4217 code to a ISO 4217 currency number and decimal positions | |
Maps an ISO 639-1 language code to redsys language number | |
Redsys production urls | |
Card brand number to name | |
Maps UN M49 numbers to ISO 3166 Alpha 2 codes | |
Maps a ISO 4217 number to a ISO 4217 currency code and decimal positions | |
Maps a redsys language code to an ISO 639-1 language code | |
Redsys sandbox urls | |
Transaction type enum |
Type Alias |
Description |
Card brand name | |
Card brand number | |
Country ISO 3166 Alpha 2 code | |
Country UN M49 number | |
Creates the parameters needed for a redirect form | |
Creates an answer for a SOAP notification, serializes and signs it | |
ISO 4217 currency code | |
ISO 4217 currency number | |
ISO 639-1 language code | |
Redsys language code | |
Processes a JSON REST notification | |
Parses and verifies the body of a SOAP notification | |
Sends a iniciaPeticion request using REST interface | |
Sends a trataPeticion request using REST interface | |
Browser information required by 3DS | |
Transaction type code |