Acronym | Meaning | Context |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability | |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | |
AOP | Aspect-Oriented Programming | |
APE | Arbortext Publishing Engine | |
APP | Arboxtext Print Publisher | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
BASE | Basic Availability, Soft state, Eventual Consistency (as opposed to ACID) | |
BBS | Be Back Soon | Chat |
BDD | Behaviour-Driven Development | |
BI | Business Intelligence | |
Big data | ||
BPM | Business Process Management (gestion des processus métier) |
BPMN | Business Process Management Notation | |
BTW | By The Way |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
CCM | Customer Communications Management | |
CDN | Content Delivery Network | |
CDO | Chief Data Officer | |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer | |
CIFS | Common Internet File System | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CMIS | Content Management Interoperability Services | |
CMO | Chief Marketing Officer | |
CCMS | Component-Content Management System | |
CMS | Content Management System (fr) SGC |
COO | Chief Operating (or Operations) Officer | |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf | |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management. (fr) GRC |
CRUD | Create / Read / Update / Delete | |
CTO | Chief Technical Officer (= directeur technique) |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
DAO | Data Access Object | |
DDD | Domain-Driven Design | |
DDL | Data Definition Language | |
DES | Data Encryption Standard | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | Networks |
DITA | Darwin(ian) Information Typing Architecture |
DML | Data Manipulation Language | |
DNS | Domain Name System (sometimes Service) | |
DOM | Document Object Model | |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm | Security Cryptography |
DSL | Domain Specific Language | |
DTO | Data Transfer Object | |
DTP | DeskTop Publication (fr) PAO |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
ebXML | Electronic Business using XML ( ; | |
ECM | Enterprise Content Management (fr) GDC |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange (fr) Echange de Données Informatisé |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport | |
EDM | Electronic Document Management (fr) GED |
EIM | Enterprise Information Management | |
EIP | Enterprise Integration Patterns | |
ELK | ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana | |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning (fr) PGI |
ESB | Enterprise Service Bus | |
ETL | Extract, Transform and Load | |
EXI | (w3c) Efficient XML Interchange |
EXIF | Exchangeable Image File Format |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
FIRST | Fast / Independent / Repeatable / Self-validating / Timely | Management jargon |
FPGA | Field-Programmable Gate Array (Circuit Logique Programmable) | Hardware |
FPI | Formal Public Identifier. Standard ISO-8879 | |
FWIW | For What It's Worth | Chat |
FYI | For Your Information | Chat |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
GDC | Gestion de Contenu (d'entreprise) (en) ECM |
GDR | Gestion des Données de Référence(en) MDM | |
GED | Gestion Electronique de Documents(en) EDM | |
GIS | Geographic Information System(fr) SIG | |
GRC | Gestion de la Relation Client(en) CRM | |
GWT | Google Web Toolkit |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
Hadoop | Framework for distributed applications. |
Big data |
HDFS | Hadoop Distributed File System | |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
i18n | Internationalization | |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | |
ICANN | Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers | |
ICC | International Colour Consortium | |
ICU | International Components for Unicode | |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IIOP | Internet Inter-ORB Protocol | |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion | Chat |
IMO | In My Opinion | Chat |
IMS | Instructional Management Systems ( | |
INVEST | Independant, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable | |
IoT | Internet of the Things | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IRL | In Real Life | Chat |
ISNI | International Standard Name Identifier |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
JAAS | Java Authentication and Authorization Service | Java, security |
JATS | Journal Article Tag Suite | XML |
JAX-RPC | Java API for XML-based RPC | Java |
JAX-RS | Java API for RESTful Web Services | |
JAX-WS | Java API for XML Web Services | |
JAXB | Java Architecture for XML Binding | Java XML |
JAXP | Java API for XML Processing (or Parsing) (formerly TrAX) | Java XML |
JCA | Java Cryptography Architecture |
JCE | Java Cryptography Extension | Java, security |
JCP | Java Community Process |
JEE | Java Enterprise Edition | |
JMS | Java Message Service | |
JNDI | Java Naming and Directory Inteface | |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | |
JSR | Java Specification Request | |
JTA | Java Transaction API |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
l10n | Localization | |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | |
LOM | Learning Object Model | |
LMS | Learning Management System | |
LRMI | Learning Resource Metadata Initiative ( | |
LSP | Language Services Provider |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
MAC | Message Authentication Code | |
MDM | Master Data Management | |
MITM | Man-In-The-Middle | |
ML | Machine Learning | |
MOOC | Massive Open Online Courses | |
MoSCoW | Must / Should / Could / Won't (or Would) | |
MVC | Model-View-Controller | |
MVVM | Model-View-ViewModel | |
MVW | Model-View-Whatever |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
NAS | Network Attached Storage |
NLP | Natural Language Processing | |
NoSQL | Not-only SQL |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards ( | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing | |
OMG | Object Management Group ( | |
" | Oh My God | Chat |
OOTB | Out-Of-The-Box | |
ORPC | Object Remote Procedure Call | |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection | Networks |
OSGi | Open Services Gateway initiative ( |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
PAO | Publication Assistée par Ordinateur (en) DTP |
PDM | Product Data Management (fr) SGDT |
PGI | Progiciel de Gestion Intégré (en) ERP |
PIF | Process Interchange Format | |
PIM | Product Information Management | |
POC | Proof of Concept | |
POJO | Plain Old Java Object | Java |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
QTI | Question and Test Interoperability ( |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
RACI | Responsible/Accountable/Consulted/Information | Management jargon |
RDBMS | Relational DataBase Management System (fr) SGBDR |
RDF | Resource Description Framework | XML |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol | |
REST | REpresentational State Transfer | |
RMI | Remote Method Invocation | |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call | |
RSS | Rich Site Summary |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
SAAJ | SOAP with Attachments API for Java | |
SaaS | Software as a Service | |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup ****L**anguage | Security XML |
SAX | Simple API for XML | |
SCM | Source Control Management | |
SCORM | Sharable Content Object Reference Model | |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization | |
SGBD(R) | Système de Gestion de Base de Données (Relationnelle) (en) RDBMS |
SGC | Système de Gestion de Contenu (en) CMS |
SGDT | Système de Gestion de Données Techniques (en) PDM |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | |
SIG | Système d'Information Géographique (en) GIS |
SLA | Service Level Agreements | |
SMART | Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-boxed | Management jargon |
SME | Subject Matter Expert (fr) Expert Métier |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language | |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol (sometimes : Service Oriented Architecture Protocol) | |
SOW | Statement Of Work | |
SPA | Single Page Application | Web |
SQL | Structured Query Language | Databases |
SSO | Single Sign-On | Security |
StAX | Streaming API for XML | XML |
StratML | Strategy Markup Language ( | |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats | Management jargon |
SysML | System Modeling Language (derived from UML) |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | |
TDD | Test-Driven Development | |
TEI | Text Encoding Initiative | |
TL;DR | Too Long, Didn't Read | |
TrAX | Transformation API for XML (see also JAXP) |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
UBL | Universal Business Language ( | |
UCS | Universal Character System - it's ISO-10646, 32-bits based encoded (4 bytes) | |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol | |
UI | User Interface (fr) IHM |
UML | Unified Modeling Language | |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | |
URL | Uniform (sometimes Universal) Resource Locator | |
URN | Uniform Resource Name | |
USP | Unique Service Provider | |
UX | User eXperience |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
VCS | Version Control System (see also SCM) |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
WAMP | Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP | |
WCM | Web Content Management | |
WML | WordML = Word Modelling Language | |
WMS | Warehouse Management System | |
WOFF | Web Open Font Format | |
WSDL | Web Service Definition Language | |
WSIT | Web Services Interoperability Technologies | |
WTF | What The F*** | Chat |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
XLIFF | XML Localisation Interchange File Format | |
XMI | XML Metadata Interchange - stantard for metadata exchange, based on XML |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
XMP | Adobe XML Metadata Platform | |
XMPP | eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol | |
XSL | eXtensible Stylesheet Language - - |
Acronym | Meaning | Context |
YAML | YAML Ain't a Markup Language (recursive acronym) |
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