Just an app to test react - docker - aws -cicd.
- npm start
- browser - http://localhost:3000
- npm test - Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
- npm run build - Builds the app for production to the
- Push to git hub repository - https://github.com/jeffbonson/react-docker-aws-cicd
- Build the docker image using the docker file - docker build -t jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest .
- Check for jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd in the docker hub's Images page.
- Stop the react server
- Open Docker Desktop
- Run the image using the command - docker run -d -p 3000:3000 jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest
- Run the command to see running containers - docker ps
- Check for an entry in containers
- open localhost:3000 in web browser
- yay!
- Tag the docker image using the command - docker tag jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest
- Push to docker hub using the command - docker push jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest
- Login to hub.docker.com and refresh the Repositories page to see the new repository named - jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest.
- Install Docker Desktop / colima in mac OS
- docker login
- Go to hub.docker.com/repositories/react-docker-aws-cicd/tags and copy the command - docker pull jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest
- run the command - docker run -d -p 3000:3000 jeffbonson85/react-app:latest
- open localhost:3000 in web browser
- yay!
- create an ec2 instance using t3.medium- free tire, ubuntu, security rule with ipv4 - tcp - 3000 port inbound rule
- login to instance using the public IP - ssh -i aws_login.pem ubuntu@
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install -y docker.io
- docker login
- sudo systemctl start docker
- sudo systemctl enable docker
- docker pull jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest
- docker run -d -p 3000:3000 jeffbonson85/react-docker-aws-cicd:latest
- open web browser and access
- yay!
Modify the docker file
- expose port from 3000 to 80
- introduce builder, nginx, copy from builder
- change the CMD options
- see commit history to compare initial file.
Create a docker-compose.yml
run docker-compose up --build
run http://localhost
Create EC2 instance profile role
- Select IAM / Roles / Create Role
- Name: react-docker-aws-cicd-role
- Select Permission Policies: AdministratorAccess-AWSElasticBeanstalk, AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
Go to AWS Elastic BeanStalk
- create Application
- tire - web server environment
- Application Name: react-aws-docker-cicd (Note that the name has changed a bit!)
- Environment Name: React-aws-docker-cicd-env (auto filled)
- Platform: select Docker
- Application Code: select Sample Application
- Presets: select Single Instance
- Service Role: create a new service role
- Select EC2 instance profile - react-docker-aws-cicd-role
- Select VPC, activate public ip,
- Select security groups
- Select Health: enhanced, Managed updates: deselect
- Create - wait for some time.
- After completion, visit the environment - React-aws-docker-cicd-env
- Right side, you can find a link named - Go to environment link, visit it and you can see a sample website
- http://react-aws-docker-cicd-env.eba-wk5d3rdq.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
Create IAM user
- Go to EC2/ IAM / (Left pane) Users / Create User
- Username: react-docker-aws-cicd-user
- Check - Provide user access tp the AWS Management Console
- Radio select - I want to create an IAM user
- Custom Password - eg Awsuser001$
- Uncheck - User must create a new password at next signin | Next >
- Select - Attach policies directly (since this is a demo and no groups are added)
- Permission Policies - AWSCodeCommitPowerUser, CodeBuildAdminAccess
- Next > Create User > Copy the number from console sign-in url
- To Verify - Open a new incognito window and go to aws console and log back in
- Select IAM user and paste the number and hit Next.
- Enter IAM username: react-docker-aws-cicd-user
- Password: eg Awsuser001$
- Login
- Check the region of the root user and if IAM user region is different change from header.
- Go back to root user / IAM / react-docker-aws-cicd-user
- Create permission policy
- Go to IAM / DAshboard / Policies / Create policy
- Name: policy 001
- Services: AutoScaling, Cloud Control API, CloudFormation, EC2, EC2 AutoScaling, ElasticBeanStalk, S3
- Create
- Verify the json data with the of the file .github/workflows/iam-user-policy.json
- Update User Permission policy
- Go back to IAM / Users / react-docker-aws-cicd-user / Permission Policies
- Add Permission
- Select policy 001 and save
- Access Keys
- select others
- enter description / save
- copy or download - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
- Create permission policy
- Go to the https://github.com/jeffbonson/react-docker-aws-cicd/settings/secrets/actions
- Create new Repository secret
Deploy the react app using CICD
- create a file in .github/workflows/deploy-aws.yml
- change the application name and environment name, region if needed
- The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY will also be pulled from the repository secret actions
- push the file changes to github
- Go to https://github.com/jeffbonson/react-docker-aws-cicd/actions
- you can see a new action with the commit message as title
- reload the environment - http://react-aws-docker-cicd-env.eba-wk5d3rdq.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
- yay!