find all the posts of someone in a specific group / All groups he joins
find all the people in a sepcific region in a group
send mail automatically
./DoubanAgent.py -h
for the usage
this script is used to send mail to lots of people in bcc, if you don't have the permission to send mail to that group of people.
First of all, you need to set up an SMTP server. It is an easy step in Mac, in which the Postfix has been pre-installed. Check this page for the settings
Then you need to expand that mail group to get the email list, and save it to a file (emailListFile). the format of the file should be:
Then call the script:
./sendmail.py your@email.com emailListFile contentFile
use Node.js to received an uploaded .tex file, and return the corresponding .pdf file as response
Script to create batch files.
./createFileBatch.sh "10M" 20 # create 20 files each size is 10M
JavaScript version douban agent.
function doubanGroup: Get group members group by region
function exportDoubanItems: export the books/movies the user collected to CSV format
class DoubanItemsExportor: Get the books/movies the user collected.
function convertDoubanCsvToGoodReadsCsv: convert Douban books CSV file to GoodReads importable CSV format
function importDoubanRating2Imdb: import Douban movies to imdb.com
Retrieve all problems of leetcode
Retrieve daily stock price and send mail based on certain strategies
A toy Neural Network code from scratch, using MNIST to train the network with naive numerical gradient or backpropagation
Solver of the game unblock-me-free
This is my first GreaseMonkey script.
It adds a field text and a button in my NJU lilybbs blog.
At first I tried to construct a mini search engine for my own blog, but then I found Google provides a more convenient tool called Google Custom Search. So I stopped here...
20150507: test git hook