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Next Electron React Server Components

With the emergence of React Server Components and Server Actions writing Web apps became easier than ever. The simplicity when developer has all server APIs right inside the Web app, natively, with types and full support from Next.js framework for example (and other RSC frameworks too, of course) is astonishing.

At the same time, Electron is a de-facto standard for modern desktop apps written using web technologies, especially when application must have filesystem and other system API access, while being written in JS (Tauri receives an honorable mention here if you know Rust or if you only need a simple WebView2 shell).

Please read the full article if you're interested in the topic and the mechanics how this library works:

Installation & Usage

Install depencencies:

$ npm install next-electron-rsc next electron electron-builder

Add following to your main.js in Electron before you create a window:

import { app, protocol } from 'electron';
import { createHandler } from 'next-electron-rsc';

const appPath = app.getAppPath();
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
const localhostUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'; // must match Next.js dev server

// change to your path, make sure it's added to Electron Builder files
const standaloneDir = path.join(appPath, '.next', 'standalone', 'demo');

const { createInterceptor } = createHandler({

Then add this when mainWindow is created:

if (!isDev) createInterceptor({ session: mainWindow.webContents.session });

Configure your Next.js build in next.config.js:

module.exports = {
  output: 'standalone',
  experimental: {
    outputFileTracingIncludes: {
      '*': ['public/**/*', '.next/static/**/*'],

I suggest to use Electron Builder to bundle the Electron app. Just add some configuration to electron-builder.yml:

includeSubNodeModules: true

  - build
  - from: '.next/standalone/demo/'
    to: '.next/standalone/demo/'

Replace %YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME_IN_PACKAGE.JSON% with what you have in name property in package.json.

For convenience, you can add following scripts to package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "yarn build:next && yarn build:electron",
    "build:next": "next build",
    "build:electron": "electron-builder --config electron-builder.yml",
    "start:next": "next dev",
    "start:electron": "electron ."

The demo separates src of Next.js and src-electron of Electron, this ensures Next.js does not try to compile Electron.

To quickly run the demo, clone this repo and run:

yarn build
cd demo
yarn start:electron


Portable Next.js wrapped in Electron or PKG






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