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Repository gu-wpf-numericInput


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Textboxes for numeric input in WPF.

  • DoubleBox
  • IntBox
  • DecimalBox
  • FloatBox
  • ShortBox
  • Easy to add more


1. Samples

1.1. Simple sample

The Textproperty is used internally and will throw if you bind to it.

Bind the Valueproperty of the boxes like this:

<numericInput:DoubleBox Value="{Binding DoubleValue}" />

1.2. Sample showing some of the properties

    <numeric:DoubleBox Value="{Binding Value,
                       CanValueBeNull="{Binding CanValueBeNull}"
                       Increment="{Binding Increment}"/>

2. Features:

  • Validation
    • Validates as you type even with UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus for the binding. Configurable via ValidationTrigger
    • Uses vanilla WPF validation
    • If there is a validation error no value is sent to the viewmodel.
  • Works with WPF focus.
  • Formatting using formatted view and edit view.
  • Compatible with WPF undo/redo.
  • SpinnerDecorator for up/down buttons.


3. Validation

3.1. ValidationTrigger

Control when validation is performed, the default is LostFocus to be consistent with vanilla WPF TextBox Setting ValidationTrigger="PropertyChanged" validates as you type even if the binding has UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus. Available as inheriting attached property: NumericBox.ValidationTrigger

3.2. CanValueBeNull

Sets if empty textbox sends null to the binding source and is a legal value. Useful when binding to a double? for example. Available as inheriting attached property: NumericBox.CanValueBeNull

3.3. MinValue

The minimum value. The default is null meaning that no validation on min is performed. When using spinners clicking decrease truncates to min if it would decrement below min. If user enters a value less than MinValue the validation returns an IsLessThanValidationResult With the content as a string Properties.Resources.Please_enter_a_value_greater_than_or_equal_to__0__ The message is localized using box.Culture.

3.4. MaxValue

The maximum value. The default is null meaning that no validation on max is performed. When using spinners clicking increase truncates to max if it would increment above max. If user enters a value greater than MaxValue the validation returns an IsGreaterThanValidationResult With the content as a string Properties.Resources.Please_enter_a_value_less_than_or_equal_to__0__ The message is localized using box.Culture.

3.5. NumberStyles

The NumberStyles used when parsing and formatting the value. Ex if you want to allow leading sign or thousands.

3.6. Culture

The IFormatProvider used when parsing and formatting the value. The default value for culture is Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture Available as inheriting attached property: NumericBox.Culture

3.7. RegexPattern

A regex pattern used when validating the input.

4. Formatting

If StringFormator DecimalDigits are specified a TextBlock with the formatted text is overlaid when not focused.

4.1. Culture

The IFormatProvider used when parsing and formatting the value. The default value for culture is Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture Available as inheriting attached property: NumericBox.Culture

4.1. NumberStyles

The NumberStyles used when parsing and formatting the value.

<numeric:DoubleBox NumberStyles="AllowDecimalPoint, AllowLeadingSign"
                   Value="{Binding Value}" />

4.2 StringFormat

The string format used in the formatted view.

Available as inheriting attached property: NumericBox.StringFormat

<numeric:DoubleBox Culture="sv-se"
                   Value="{Binding Value}" />

4.3 DecimalDigits

DecimalDigits="3" sets stringformat to F3 which means the value will always have three digits.

DecimalDigits="-3" sets stringformat to 0.### which means the value will be rendered with up to three digits.

If the user eneters more digits they are used in the Value binding. The formatted view will round the value.

Available as inheriting attached property: NumericBox.DecimalDigits

5. Spinners

If you want to add up/down buttons you wrap the box in a spinnerdecorator liken this:

    <numeric:DoubleBox AllowSpinners="True"
                       Value="{Binding Value}" />

The spinner decorator derives from Control so it can be templated for easy styling.

5.1. Increment

How big change each increment/decrement is. Checked for overflow. If the value is 9.5 and Increment="1"and Max="10" one click on increment will set the value to 10.

5.2. AllowSpinners

Controls if spinners are visible assuming the control is wrapped in a SpinnerDecorator

5.3. SpinUpdateMode

Controls how the IncreaseCommand and the DecreaseCommandbehaves. The default is AsBinding meaning the value updates using the UpdateSourceTrigger specified in the binding. Default is lostfocus. If set to PropertyChanged the binding source will be updated at each click even if the binding has UpdateSourceTrigger = LostFocus This property inherits so it can be set for example on the Window ex: numericInput:NumericBox.SpinUpdateMode = "PropertyChanged"

5.4. IncrementCommand and DecrementCommand

The boxes exposes two command for incrementing and decrementing the current value with Increment clicking changes the text so it is undoable.

5. Attached properties

5.1. NumericBox

5.1.1. NumericBox.Culture

Controls what Culture to use. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from BaseBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.Culture="sv-se">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.1.2. NumericBox.ValidationTrigger

Controls when validation is performed. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from BaseBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.ValidationTrigger="PropertyChanged">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.1.3. NumericBox.CanValueBeNull

Controls if empty means null and is a legal value. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from BaseBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.CanValueBeNull="True">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.1.4. NumericBox.NumberStyles

Controls if empty means null and is a legal value. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from BaseBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.NumberStyles="AllowDecimalPoint, AllowLeadingSign">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.1.5. NumericBox.StringFormat

Controls how many decimal digits are shown. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from BaseBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.StringFormat="F2">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.1.6. NumericBox.DecimalDigits

Controls how many decimal digits are shown. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from DecimalDigitsBox<T>.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.DecimalDigits="-2">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.1.7. NumericBox.AllowSpinners

Allows spinners on all child NumericBoxes. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from BaseBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid numeric:NumericBox.AllowSpinners="True">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>

5.2. Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Select.TextBox

5.2.1. TextBox.SelectAllOnGotKeyboardFocus

Selects all text in a textbox whgen it gets keyboard focus. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from TextBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid select:TextBox.SelectAllOnGotKeyboardFocus="True">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <TextBox .../>

5.2.2. TextBox.SelectAllOnClick

Selects all text in a textbox on click. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from TextBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid select:TextBox.SelectAllOnClick="True">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <TextBox .../>

5.2.3. TextBox.SelectAllOnDoubleClick

Selects all text in a textbox on doubleclick. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from TextBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid select:TextBox.SelectAllOnDoubleClick="True">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <TextBox .../>

5.2.4. TextBox.MoveFocusOnEnter

Captures enter key and cycles focus to next control. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from TextBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid select:TextBox.MoveFocusOnEnter="True"
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <TextBox .../>

5.3 Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Touch.TextBox

5.3.1. TextBox.ShowTouchKeyboardOnTouchEnter

Shows onscreen keyboard on touch enter for all controls inheriting from TextBox. Inherits so setting it on a panel or window sets it for all child controls inheriting from TextBox.


<UserControl x:Class="Gu.Wpf.NumericInput.Demo.DemoView"
    <Grid touch:TextBox.ShowTouchKeyboardOnTouchEnter="True">
        <numeric:DoubleBox .../>
        <TextBox .../>

6. Style and Template keys

  • NumericBox.BaseBoxStyleKey
  • NumericBox.SpinnersTemplateKey
  • NumericBox.SpinnerPathStyleKey
  • NumericBox.SpinnerButtonStyleKey


Repository gu-wpf-numericInput







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