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Goal: Create an IBM Cloud account and install the ibmcloud
command-line tool
This section of the workshops takes you through the steps needed to get a cloud environment setup for your application.
Follow this link and sign-up for an IBM Cloud account. It's free, doesn't require a credit card and lets you play with the services available in the catalog.
The IBM Cloud provides a command-line tool for working with your resources, services and apps in the cloud.
You can install it by follow these instructions.
With the ibmcloud
cli command installed, you can login by running:
ibmcloud login
You can then target which region of the IBM Cloud your application will be deployed
to. Run the following command select a region (us-south
or eu-gb
for example).
ibmcloud target --cf
In this section of the workshop you have created an IBM Cloud account
and installed the ibmcloud
command-line tool.
The next task is to add some additional resources to your project and get it deployed to the cloud. Head over to Part 3.
Quick links : Home - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5