This project was developed using Python Flask for the backend and React.js for the frontend. You can see the below how to containerize these applications and 3 different hosting and distribution solutions.
Run the applications as a container on the local Docker environment using docker-compose.
Run the applications as a container on the AWS Fargate serverless infrastructure using the Elastic Container Service and Elastic Container Registry.
Create a new IAM [User Group] named "ecs-admin" with the following Permission Policies to manage ECS Fargate Cluster;
Create a new IAM [User] and add it to the newly created as "ecs-admin" [User Group] above to manage the ECS Fargate Cluster.
Get the Access and Secret Keys generated for this user to access AWS using Terraform and manage the ECS Cluster. Please don't forget to set the keys in the "iac/terraform-ecs/terraform.tfvars/" file.
Create a new Elastic Container Registry(ECR) Private Repository to store application Images
Login to ECR Private Repository in the local Docker using the aws-cli;
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
Set the ECR Repository address as a ENV value;
export ECR_REPO="<account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo_name>"
Build and Push the Image to ECR Private Repository for Python Restapi application;
cd api
docker build -t $ECR_REPO:api-0.0.1 .
docker push $ECR_REPO:api-0.0.1
cd ..
Build and Push the Image to ECR Private Repository for React front-end application;
cd sys-stats
docker build -t $ECR_REPO:client-0.0.1 .
docker push $ECR_REPO:client-0.0.1
cd ..
Build and Push the Image to ECR Private Repository for Nginx proxy server;
cd nginx
docker build --build-arg NGINX_CONF=aws-ecs -t $ECR_REPO:nginx-0.0.1 .
docker push $ECR_REPO:nginx-0.0.1
cd ..
After the creation IAM requirements(Step 1) and ECR Private Repository(Step 2) go to the "iac/terraform-ecs" directory to create Elastic Container Service Cluster and other Services, Components using Terraform;
Go to AWS Fargate - ECS example using Terraform
Deploy the applications as a container and using Nginx Ingress Controller to Kubernetes.