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169 handle tls not defined for every ingress resource #91

169 handle tls not defined for every ingress resource

169 handle tls not defined for every ingress resource #91

Workflow file for this run

name: test-release
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Extract latest App Version
uses: tdemin/find-latest-tag@v1
id: app_version
repo: https://${{ secrets.HELM_CHARTS_BOT }}
- name: Print latest App Version
run: echo ${{ steps.app_version.outputs.tag }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Replace Version in Chart.yaml
run: sed -i 's/CHART_VERSION/${{ steps.app_version.outputs.tag }}/g' ./chart/Chart.yaml
- name: Replace App Version in Chart.yaml
run: sed -i 's/APP_VERSION/${{ steps.app_version.outputs.tag }}/g' ./chart/Chart.yaml
- name: Set up Helm
uses: azure/setup-helm@v4.1.0
- name: Helm lint
run: helm lint ./chart
- name: Create k8s Kind Cluster
uses: helm/kind-action@v1
- name: Install Krateo PlatformOps with standard configuration
run: helm install installer ./chart --create-namespace -n krateo-system --wait
- name: Wait for krateoplatformops vcluster to become ready
run: kubectl wait krateoplatformops vcluster --for condition=Ready=True --timeout=300s --namespace krateo-system
- name: Wait for vCluster deployment to become ready
run: kubectl wait deployment vcluster-k8s --for condition=Available=True --timeout=300s --namespace krateo-system
- name: Connect to vCluster
run: |
curl -L -o vcluster "" && chmod +x vcluster
./vcluster connect vcluster-k8s
- name: Wait for krateoplatformops krateo to become ready
run: kubectl wait krateoplatformops krateo --for condition=Ready=True --timeout=300s --namespace krateo-system