redpower is a tool written in go language for managing server power using Redfish API. It doesn't have any dependencies and does not require installation - just download binary for your operating system from the releases tab and on non-Windows systems change permissions to make it executable (chmod +x filename).
Tested on Dell EMC R640 and R740xd, Intel R1208WF series, Supermicro SYS-6019U-TN4RT
To get current power state:
./redpower -host HOST -user USER -pass PASSWORD -get
To list supported power actions for specified host:
./redpower -host HOST -user USER -pass PASSWORD -list
To perform specified action on a host:
./redpower -host HOST -user USER -pass PASSWORD -action ACTION
❗ ACTION is one of the supported actions returned by -list command (case sensitive!)
Other useful arguments: -quiet to limit verbosity, -insecure to allow self-signed and invalid certificates, -ignore to ignore conflicts (for example when trying to power on a server which is already on). Full list below:
./redpower -version
redpower version: 0.3.0 (f01caf46a505d0be8af80515a855292eb0e2131f) build date: 2020-04-05T18:52:38Z
./redpower -help
Usage of ./redpower:
-action string
power action to perform
enable printing of http response body
get current power state
-host string
BMC address and optional port (host or host:port)
ignore conflicts (like power on the server which is already on)
do not verify host certificate
list supported power actions
-pass string
BMC password
do not output any messages except errors
-timeout int
operation timeout in seconds (default 30)
-user string
BMC username
print program version and quit