Machine Learning in Actionのサンプルコードはpythonで書かれていますが、scala版を作ってみました。
import breeze.linalg._
import mlia.knn.KNearestNeighbors
val ds = DenseMatrix((1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 2.0), (1.0, 3.0), (10.0, 11.0), (12.0, 13.0))
val labels = Vector("A", "A", "B", "B", "B") // actual labels of ds
val k = 3 // how many neighbor
val inX = Vector[Double](13, 10) // vector which you want to know
KNearestNeighbors.classify0(inX, ds, labels, k) // return "B"
import mlia.trees.Tree._
val ds = Array(
Row(Array(1, 1), "yes"),
Row(Array(1, 1), "yes"),
Row(Array(1, 0), "no"),
Row(Array(0, 1), "no"),
Row(Array(0, 1), "no"))
val labels = Array("no surfacing", "flippers")
calcShannonEnt(ds) // 0.9709505944546686
chooseBestFeatureToSplit(ds) // InformationGain(0,0.4199730940219749)
val tree = Tree(ds, labels)
// Tree[{no surfacing : 1 {flippers : 1 -> yes[Leaf]},{flippers : 0 -> no[Leaf]}},{no surfacing : 0 -> no[Leaf]}]
tree.classify(Vector(1, 0), labels) // classified as "no"
tree.classify(Vector(1, 1), labels) // classified as "yes"
import breeze.linalg._
import mlia.bayes.Prep._
import mlia.bayes.NaiveBayes._
val (listOPosts, listClasses) = loadDataSet
// listOPosts => Array(Array(my, dog, has, flea, problems, help, please), Array(maybe, not, take, him, to, dog, park, stupid), ...
// listClasses => DenseVector(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
val myVocabList = createVocabList(listOPosts)
// Array(my, dog, has, flea, problems, help, please, maybe, not, take, him, to, .....
// transform into a word vector
val trainMat = DenseMatrix.zeros[Int](listOPosts.size, myVocabList.size)
listOPosts.zipWithIndex.foreach(post => trainMat(post._2, ::) := setOfWords2Vec(myVocabList, post._1))
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... (32 total)
// 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
// 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ...
// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
// ...
// train by naive bayes
val (p0v, p1v, pAb) = trainNB0(trainMat, listClasses)
// it has a risk to get underflow and incorrect answer
// DenseVector(0.15384615384615385, 0.07692307692307693, 0.07692307692307693, 0.07692307692307693, 0.07692307692307693, ...)
// DenseVector(0.047619047619047616, 0.14285714285714285, 0.047619047619047616, 0.047619047619047616, 0.047619047619047616, ...)
// it's stable to calculate on the computer! ,but it's not understandable.
// DenseVector(-1.8718021769015913, -2.5649493574615367, -2.5649493574615367, -2.5649493574615367, -2.5649493574615367, ...)
// DenseVector(-3.044522437723423, -1.9459101490553135, -3.044522437723423, -3.044522437723423, -3.044522437723423, -3.044522437723423, ...)
// total abusive probability(class == 1)
println(pAb) // 0.5
// test bayes
val thisDoc0 = setOfWords2Vec(myVocabList, Array("love", "my", "dalmation"))
println(s"classified as: ${classifyNB(thisDoc0, p0v.logProbability, p1v.logProbability, pAb)}")
// => classified as "0"
val thisDoc1 = setOfWords2Vec(myVocabList, Array("stupid", "garbage"))
println(s"classified as: ${classifyNB(thisDoc1, p0v.logProbability, p1v.logProbability, pAb)}")
// => classified as "1"
val (dataMat, labelMat) = loadDataSet("/lr/testSet.txt")
// normal gradient ascent optimization. it's expensive to compute.
gradAscent(dataMat, labelMat.toArray)
// => DenseVector(4.124143489627893, 0.48007329288424455, -0.6168481970344017)
// stochastic gradient ascent. it's faster than normal gradient ascent. but it often misclassify.
stocGradAscent0(dataMat, labelMat.toArray)
// => DenseVector(1.0170200728876158, 0.859143479425245, -0.36579921045742)
// improve stochastic gradient ascent.
stocGradAscent1(dataMat, labelMat.toArray)
// => DenseVector(13.940485981986548, 0.8592396791079943, -1.8701169404631004)
// test each algorithm by error rate
// the error rate of this test is: 0.283582
// the error rate of this test is: 0.283582
// ...
// after 10 iterations the average error rate is: 0.283582 <- well, not bad.
// the error rate of this test is: 0.507463
// the error rate of this test is: 0.507463
// ...
// after 10 iterations the average error rate is: 0.507463 <- bad performance...
// the error rate of this test is: 0.014925
// the error rate of this test is: 0.000000
// ...
// after 10 iterations the average error rate is: 0.026866 <- this performance is too good than the book for some reason.
Simplified SMO Algorithm
import breeze.linalg._
import mlia.svm.Prep._
import mlia.svm.SimplifiedSMO._
val (dataArr, labelArr) = loadDataSet("/svm/testSet.txt")
val (alphas, b): (DenseMatrix[Double], Double) = smoSimple(dataArr.toArray, labelArr.toArray, 0.6, 0.001, 40)
// iter: 0 i:0, pairs changed 1
// iter: 0 i:2, pairs changed 2
// j not moving enough[0.0]
// iter: 0 i:8, pairs changed 3
// j not moving enough[0.0]
// ...
alphas.findAll(_ > 0.0).foreach {
case (row, col) => println(alphas(row,col))
// 0.12756738739781906
// 0.2416951660901028
// 2.7755575615628914E-17
// 0.3692625534879218
// -3.8418049116532984
Full SMO
// Full Platt SMO. This algorithm is more faster than Simplified SMO.
import breeze.linalg._
import mlia.svm.FullSMO._
import mlia.svm.Prep._
val (dataArr, labelArr) = loadDataSet("/svm/testSet.txt")
val (alphas, b) = smoP(dataArr.toArray, labelArr.toArray, 0.6, 0.001, 40)
// L == H[0.0]
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:0, pairs changed 0
// L == H[0.0]
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:1, pairs changed 0
// non-bound, iter: 1 i:10, pairs changed 2
// j not moving enough[0.0]
// non-bound, iter: 1 i:18, pairs changed 3
// j not moving enough[0.0]
// -3.4003419604099356
alphas.findAll(_ > 0.0).foreach {
case (row, col) => println(s"support vector: ${dataArr(row).mkString(",")}, alpha: ${alphas(row,col)}, label: ${labelArr(row)}")
// support vector: 3.542485,1.977398, alpha: 0.11718183426962622, label: -1.0
// support vector: 3.223038,-0.552392, alpha: 0.022762846775601038, label: -1.0
// support vector: 7.286357,0.251077, alpha: 0.0135202386819083, label: 1.0
// support vector: 3.457096,-0.082216, alpha: 0.0135202386819083, label: -1.0
// support vector: 2.893743,-1.643468, alpha: 0.0908201901982198, label: -1.0
// support vector: 5.286862,-2.358286, alpha: 0.11358303697382083, label: 1.0
// support vector: 6.080573,0.418886, alpha: 0.11718183426962622, label: 1.0
// now, classify dataset
val ws = calcWs(alphas, dataArr, labelArr.toArray)
// 0.5174891451517396
// -0.10098649982626291
val dataMat = DenseMatrix(dataArr: _*)
println(s"ws: ${(dataMat(0, ::) * ws: DenseMatrix[Double]) :+ b}, actual: ${labelArr(0)}")
// ws: -1.0258808254189797 , actual: -1.0
println(s"ws: ${(dataMat(2, ::) * ws: DenseMatrix[Double]) :+ b}, actual: ${labelArr(2)}")
// ws: 2.376492433975608 , actual: 1.0
Using Kernel Function
import breeze.linalg._
import mlia.svm.FullSMOWithKernel._
// radial bias function
val dataMat = DenseMatrix(dataArr: _*)
val labelMat = DenseMatrix(labelArr.toArray).t
val os = OptStruct(dataMat,labelMat, DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](dataMat.rows, 1),0.0,200,0.0001,Kernel("rbf", Array(1.3)))
println(os.k) // dataMat is transformed by kernel transformation
// 1.0 0.7040816347352673 0.7954283622305077 ... (100 total)
// 0.7040816347352673 1.0 0.6351840054854467 ...
// 0.7954283622305077 0.6351840054854467 1.0 ...
// 0.7545606658622943 0.9256097040596233 0.836444104017469 ...
// ...
// 0.881210180460299 0.7585850539381088 0.9726618561420948 ...
// ... (100 total)
// training svm with radial bias function
val (alphas, b) = smoP(dataArr.toArray, labelArr.toArray, 200.0, 0.0001, 10000,Kernel("rbf", Array(1.3)))
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:0, pairs changed 0
// L == H[0.0]
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:1, pairs changed 1
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:2, pairs changed 1
// L == H[0.0]
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:3, pairs changed 1
// fullSet, iter: 0 i:4, pairs changed 1
// ...
alphas.findAll(_ > 0.0).foreach {
case (row, col) => println(s"support vector: ${dataArr(row).mkString(",")}, alpha: ${alphas(row, col)}, label: ${labelArr(row)}")
// support vector: -0.214824,0.662756, alpha: 0.6, label: -1.0
// support vector: 0.22365,0.130142, alpha: 0.6, label: 1.0
// support vector: -0.7488,-0.531637, alpha: 0.6, label: -1.0
// support vector: 0.207123,-0.019463, alpha: 0.6, label: 1.0
// support vector: 0.286462,0.71947, alpha: 0.6, label: -1.0
// 1.1356280979492999
// evaluate with test data
import mlia.svm.NonLinearTest._
calcErrorRate("/svm/testSetRBF.txt", "/svm/testSetRBF2.txt", 1.3)
// there are 20 Support Vectors
// the training error rate is: 0.00000
// the test error rate is: 0.08000
import mlia.adaboost.AdaBoost._
import mlia.adaboost.Prep._
import breeze.linalg._
val (dataMat, classLabels) = loadSimpData()
val D = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](5, 1) :/ 5.0
val stump = buildStump(dataMat, classLabels, D)
// split: dim 0, thresh 1.00, thresh ineqal: lt, the weighted error is 0.400
// split: dim 0, thresh 1.00, thresh ineqal: gt, the weighted error is 0.600
// split: dim 0, thresh 1.10, thresh ineqal: lt, the weighted error is 0.400
// split: dim 0, thresh 1.10, thresh ineqal: gt, the weighted error is 0.600
// ...
// dim:0, threshold:1.3, ineqal:lt, minErr:0.2, bestClassEst:[-1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 ]
// training adaboost with sample data
val result = adaBoostTrainDS(dataMat, classLabels, 9)
// D: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
// classEst: -1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0
// aggClassEst: -0.6931471805599453 0.6931471805599453 -0.6931471805599453 ... (5 total)
// total error: 0.2
// ...
// D: 0.2857142857142858 0.07142857142857145 0.07142857142857145 ... (5 total)
// classEst: 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
// aggClassEst: 1.1756876285817386 2.561981989701629 -0.7702225204735744 ... (5 total)
// total error: 0.0
// Error Rate is 0.
// 0.16666666666666674 0.041666666666666685 0.25 0.25 0.29166666666666663 , aggClassEst: 1.1756876285817386 2.561981989701629 -0.7702225204735744 ... (5 total), weakClassArr: dim:0, threshold:1.3, ineqal:lt, minErr:0.2, bestClassEst:[-1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 ],dim:1, threshold:1.0, ineqal:lt, minErr:0.12500000000000003, bestClassEst:[1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 ],dim:0, threshold:2.0, ineqal:gt, minErr:0.1428571428571429, bestClassEst:[1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ]
// classify new data [[0, 0]]
val classified = adaClassify(Array(Array(0.0, 0.0)), result.weakClassArr)
println(f"classified as ${classified.t}")
// classified as -1.0
// training real world data
val (dataArr, labelArr) = loadDataSet("/adaboost/horseColicTraining2.txt")
val classifiedArray = adaBoostTrainDS(dataArr, labelArr, 10)
// classifiedArray: mlia.adaboost.AdaBoost.Result = D: 0.0023561318612627235 0.007708336975987579 ... (299 total), aggClassEst: -0.646419000711108 0.5388622340786399 0.9172655524009455 ... (299 total), weakClassArr: dim:9, threshold:3.0, ineqal:gt, minErr:0.28428093645484936, bestClassEst:[-1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 ... (299 total)],dim:17, threshold:52.5, ineqal:gt, minErr:0.3486531061022538, bestClassEst:[1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ... (299 total)],dim:3, threshold:55.199999999999996, ineqal:gt, minErr:0.36040207257874546, bestClassEst:[-1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 ... (299 total)],dim:18, threshold:62.300000000000004, ineqal:lt, minErr:0.38557761823256786, bestClassEst:[-1.0 1.0...
// ... and test classifiers made by adaboost
val (testArr, testLabelArr) = loadDataSet("/adaboost/horseColicTest2.txt")
val prediction10 = adaClassify(testArr, classifiedArray.weakClassArr)
// 1.0
// 1.0
// 1.0
// -1.0
// 1.0
// ...
val errSum = (0 until testArr.size).foldLeft(DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](testArr.size, 1)) { (errors, i) =>
errors(i, 0) = if (prediction10(i, 0).signum == testLabelArr(i)) 0.0 else 1.0; errors
// error sum is 16.0
println(f"ErrorRate : $errSum / ${testArr.size} = ${errSum / testArr.size}%.3f")
// ErrorRate : 16.0 / 67 = 0.239 it's better performance than logistic regression algorithm!
import mlia.regression.Prep._
import mlia.regression.Regression._
// regular regression algorithm
val (xArr, yArr) = loadDataSet("/regression/ex0.txt")
val ws = standRegres(xArr, yArr)
// 3.0077432426975843
// 1.6953226421712309
// locally weighted linear regression algorithm
val ws2 = lwlr(xArr(0), xArr, yArr, 1.0)
// 3.1220447140568712
val yHat = lwlrTest(xArr, xArr, yArr, 0.003)
// DenseVector(3.1220447140568712, 3.732843357024315, 4.696920329650367...)
// for now, we use real world data
val (abX, abY) = loadDataSet("/regression/abalone.txt")
val trainingData = abX.slice(0, 99)
val testData = abX.slice(100, 199)
val trainingLabel = abY.slice(0, 99)
val testLabel = abY.slice(100, 199)
// training phase
val errorOnTrain = lwlrTest(trainingData, trainingData, trainingLabel, _: Double)
val yHat01 = errorOnTrain(0.1)
val yHat1 = errorOnTrain(1.0)
val yHat10 = errorOnTrain(10.0)
println(rssError(trainingLabel, yHat01.toArray))
// 56.786084839560374
println(rssError(trainingLabel, yHat1.toArray))
// 429.8905618703185
println(rssError(trainingLabel, yHat10.toArray))
// 549.1181708824757
// in training, the best k is 0.1
// evaluation phase
val errorOnTest = lwlrTest(testData, trainingData, trainingLabel, _: Double)
val yHat01t = errorOnTest(0.1)
val yHat1t = errorOnTest(1.0)
val yHat10t = errorOnTest(10.0)
println(rssError(testLabel, yHat01t.toArray))
// 27147.531252580342
println(rssError(testLabel, yHat1t.toArray))
// 573.5261441896957
println(rssError(testLabel, yHat10t.toArray))
// 517.5711905379372
// in testing, the best k is 10
// ridge regression algorithm
val stageWiseWeights = stageWise(abX, abY, 0.01, 200)
// 0.05 0.0 0.09 0.03 0.3100000000000001 -0.6400000000000003 0.0 0.36000000000000015
import mlia.cart.Cart._
import mlia.cart.Prep._
import breeze.linalg._
// CART algorithm
val myDat = loadDataSet("/cart/ex00.txt")
println(DataSet(myDat).createTree(Array(1.0, 4.0))(Regression))
// [feature: 0, threshold: 0.48813, left: 1.018096767241379, right: -0.04465028571428573]
val myDat1 = loadDataSet("/cart/ex0.txt")
println(DataSet(myDat1).createTree(Array(1.0, 4.0))(Regression))
// [feature: 1, threshold: 0.39435, left: [feature: 1, threshold: 0.582002, left: [feature: 1, threshold: 0.797583, left: 3.9871632000000004, right: 2.9836209534883724], right: 1.9800350714285717], right: [feature: 1, threshold: 0.197834, left: 1.0289583666666664, right: -0.023838155555555553]]
// post pruning
val myDat2 = loadDataSet("/cart/ex2.txt")
val tree = DataSet(myDat2).createTree(Array(0.0, 1.0))(Regression)
// very huge tree!!
// [feature: 0, threshold: 0.499171, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.729397, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.952833, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.965969, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.968621, left: 86.399637, right: 98.648346], right: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.956951, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.958512, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.960398, left: 112.386764, right: 123.559747], right: 135.837013]...
// from now, prune tree using test data set
val myDatTest = loadDataSet("/cart/ex2test.txt")
val pruned = tree.prune(DataSet(myDatTest))
// merging
// merging
// merging
// ...
// [feature: 0, threshold: 0.499171, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.729397, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.952833, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.965969, left: 92.5239915, right: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.956951, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.958512, left: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.960398, left: 112.386764, right: 123.559747], right: 135.837013], right: [feature: 0, threshold: 0.953902, left: 0.954711, right: 130.92648]]], ...
// Model Tree(it can use non-linear data set)
val myDat2 = loadDataSet("/cart/exp2.txt")
val tree = DataSet(myDat2).createTree(Array(1.0, 10.0))(Model)
// [feature: 0, value: [0.285477], left: (0.0016985569360628006,11.964773944277027), right: (3.4687793552577872,1.1852174309187973)] <- leaf node value is weights
// Let's try to compare performance of various alogorithm!
// using Regression tree
val trainDs = DataSet(loadDataSet("/cart/bikeSpeedVsIq_train.txt"))
val testDs = DataSet(loadDataSet("/cart/bikeSpeedVsIq_test.txt"))
val myTree = trainDs.createTree(Array(1.0, 20.0))(Regression)
val yHat = myTree.createForeCast(testDs.dataMat)
println(cor(yHat, testDs.labelMat.t))
// 0.9640852318222137 => not bad!
// using Model tree
val myTree2 = trainDs.createTree(Array(1.0, 20.0))(Model)
val yHat2 = myTree2.createForeCast(testDs.dataMat)
println(cor(yHat2, testDs.labelMat.t))
// 0.9760412191380616 => great! it's better than regression tree
// using Regular Regression(not using tree-based algorithm)
val (ws, _, _) = Model.linearSolve(trainDs)
val yHat3 = (0 until testDs.length).foldLeft(DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](testDs.length, 1)) {(curYHat, i) =>
curYHat(i, 0) = testDs.row(i).data(0) * ws(1, 0) + ws(0, 0)
println(cor(yHat3, testDs.labelMat.t))
// 0.9434684235674751 => it's lowest performance in regression algorithms on this data set.
import breeze.linalg._
import mlia.kmeans.Prep._
import mlia.kmeans.Clustering._
distEuclid(DenseVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), DenseVector(1.0, 2.0, 4.5)) // => 1.5
distEuclid(DenseVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), DenseVector(2.0, 2.0, 4.0)) // => 1.4142135623730951
val ds = loadDataSet("/kmeans/testSet.txt")
val dataMat = DenseMatrix(ds: _*)
val centroids = randCent(dataMat, 4)
// 0.7244759139527979 0.7994629624180147
// -0.2003634693789449 4.600134539120732
// 0.5992151107783439 -1.4011161029670691
// 3.3725020686710225 3.7899126854381118
// standard k-means clustering
val state = KMeans(dataMat,4)
// centroid moved. calculate distance between each point and centroid...
// centroid moved. calculate distance between each point and centroid...
// centroid does not moved anymore.
// centroid:
// 3.565417066666667 -0.24228866666666668
// 1.5970113124999998 3.6761776250000002
// -3.494094333333333 -1.288526777777778
// 0.3190024090909091 -0.7295542272727272
// dataPoints:[clusterIndex: 1, error: 0.5980], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 22.5739], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 7.9713], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 6.4407], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 4.2679], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 8.1605], [clusterIndex: 3, error: 8.2122], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 0.3377], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 0.4678], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 20.7702], [clusterIndex: 3, error: 24.7274], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 4.4330], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 4.5806], [clusterIndex: 3, error: 15.2321], [clusterIndex: 3, error: 1.3293], [clusterIndex: 3, error: 11.4530], [clusterIndex: 0...
// Bisecting k-means clustering
val ds2 = loadDataSet("/kmeans/testSet2.txt")
val dataMat2 = DenseMatrix(ds2: _*)
val state = BisectingKMeans(dataMat2, 3)
// centroid moved. calculate distance between each point and centroid...
// centroid moved. calculate distance between each point and centroid...
// centroid does not moved anymore.
// sseSplit: 595.62010, sseNotSplit: 0.00000
// the bestCentToSplit is: 0
// the len of bestClustAss is: 60
// centroid moved. calculate distance between each point and centroid...
// centroid does not moved anymore.
// sseSplit: 28.67047, sseNotSplit: 558.01290
// ...
// centroid:
// -3.067790947368421 3.337698842105263
// 2.7627517142857143 3.1270400476190474
// -0.45965614999999993 -2.7782156000000002
// dataPoints:[clusterIndex: 1, error: 0.2913], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 0.5255], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 1.0218], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 1.0053], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 2.8054], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 3.8717], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 0.7818], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 0.4133], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 3.5381], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 7.2974], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 11.7120], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 0.0257], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 0.8888], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 0.5763], [clusterIndex: 2, error: 2.1173], [clusterIndex: 1, error: 1.7608], [clusterIndex: 0, error: 3.9604], [clusterI...
import mlia.apriori.Prep._
import mlia.apriori.Apriori._
val ds = loadDataSet()
val C1 = createC1(ds)
// Array(Items[1], Items[3], Items[4], Items[2], Items[5])
val (l1, suppData0) = scanD(ds, C1, 0.5)
// Array(Items[1], Items[3], Items[5], Items[2])
// finding frequent item sets
val (l, suppData) = apriori(ds)
// Items[1],Items[3],Items[5],Items[2] <- item[4] doesn't meet our minimum supports
// Items[2, 5],Items[5, 3],Items[2, 3],Items[3, 1]
// Items[2, 3, 5]
// all item combination support values
// Supports:
// Items[3, 1] -> 0.5
// Items[2] -> 0.75
// ...
// Items[2, 3, 5] -> 0.5
// Items[5, 3] -> 0.5
// Items[1] -> 0.5
// Items[2, 5] -> 0.75
// mining association rules from frequent item sets
val rules = generateRules(l, suppData, 0.5)
// [5] ---> [2] : confidence:1.0
// [2] ---> [5] : confidence:1.0
// [3] ---> [5] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [5] ---> [3] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [3] ---> [2] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [2] ---> [3] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [1] ---> [3] : confidence:1.0
// [3] ---> [1] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [5] ---> [3,2] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [3] ---> [5,2] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [2] ---> [5,3] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [5] ---> [3,2] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [3] ---> [5,2] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
// [2] ---> [5,3] : confidence:0.6666666666666666
import mlia.fpgrowth.Prep._
import mlia.fpgrowth.FPGrowth._
val simpDat = loadSimpDat
val initSet = createInitSet(simpDat)
// create FP-Tree
val (myFPTree, myHeaderTab) = createTree(initSet, 3)
// [[Null Set:1]
// [z:5]
// [x:3]
// [s:2]
// [y:2]
// [t:2]
// [y:1]
// [t:1]
// [r:1]
// [r:1]
// [x:1]
// [s:1]
// [r:1]
// ]
// ----------
// item: s, count: 3
// [s:1] -> [s:2]
// ----------
// item: x, count: 4
// [x:1] -> [x:3]
// ----------
// item: y, count: 3
// [y:1] -> [y:2]
// ----------
// item: t, count: 3
// [t:1] -> [t:2]
// ----------
// item: r, count: 3
// [r:1] -> [r:1] -> [r:1]
// ----------
// item: z, count: 5
// [z:5]
// mining frequent items from FP-Tree
myHeaderTab.foreach { table =>
// trace node link with header table
// Map(Items[z] -> 3)
// Map()
// Map(Items[z, x, y, t] -> 1, Items[x, s] -> 1, Items[z] -> 1)
// create conditional FP-Tree
val freqItem = for(tree <- myFPTree; table <- myHeaderTab) yield {
mineTree(tree.nodes.head, table, 3, Set.empty, Array.empty)
// conditional tree for: Set(s)
// [[Null Set:1]
// [x:3]
// ]
// conditional tree for: Set(y)
// [[Null Set:1]
// [z:3]
// [x:3]
// ]
// conditional tree for: Set(y, x)
// [[Null Set:1]
// [z:3]
// ]
// conditional tree for: Set(t)
// [[Null Set:1]
// [z:3]
// [x:3]
// [y:3]
// ]
// ...
// finally we got frequent item set
freqItem.foreach(x => println(x.mkString("\n")))
// Items[s]
// Items[s, x]
// Items[y]
// Items[y, z]
// Items[y, x]
// Items[y, x, z]
// Items[t]
// Items[t, z]
// Items[t, x]
// Items[t, x, z]
// Items[t, y]
// Items[t, y, z]
// Items[t, y, x]
// Items[t, y, x, z]
// Items[r]
// Items[x]
// Items[x, z]
// Items[z]