- `git clone gh repo clone lcaladoferreira/world.map`
- `cd world-map`
- `npm install`
- `node server.js`
- ``
"lat": [number],
"lng": [number],
"title": "@[your username]",
"name": "[your full name]",
"fullText": "any text",
"lang":"native: <i class=\"em em-[ru]\"></i>",
"img": "img/[your username].jpe"
- change the text in brackets (remove brackets)
- open https://www.google.com/maps find your place
- `lat` - first coordinate, `lng` - second coordinate
- Find your flag here: https://afeld.github.io/emoji-css/
- add photos to the folder `img `(photo should be square, small size, in the photo there is no icon of the cohort).
- Name of the image, your user name)_
- record changes in `js/data.json`
- make a pull request 🔥