Heres what I could dig up in arrays in Swift. Most of this comes from the Swift Programing. Book. My intention was to give a basic look at the different functions you have access to, then get into what does the performance of arrays in swift look like? That is where the ArrayAdvanced.playground, Mult.playgound, and test.swift come in. I think it is important to keep in mind that these results are generated from a playground. This may cause out results to be biased in some way. All of these files are work in progress (WIP). Hopfiully they get more solitified closer to the time of the Meetup.
- ArrayFunctions.playground - WIP
- Shows a few of the basic things you can do with arrays in Swift
- ArrayAdvanced.playground- WIP
- Shows the how arrays in Swift perform, sync vs async
- Mult.playground- WIP
- Shows a basic array multiplication in Swift, with timing
- test.swift - WIP
- Was an attempt to "scriptize" the Mult.playground code