A simple Discord DM Spammer made with pycord/discord.py in python.
All code in this file is licensed under the MIT License, the whole license and copyright holder(s) is in ./LICENSE.
You shall follow all the terms of the MIT License (./LICENSE).
- Download Python from python.org
- Install discord.py or pycord using pip:
pip install discord.py
orpip3 install discord.py
for discord.pypip install py-cord
orpip install -U git+https://github.com/Pycord-Development/pycord
for pycord, remember that using pip installs with git+ means that you have to have git installed.
- Click and run the launcher.py.
- Remember to have a your bot TOKEN from https://discord.com/developers/applications
- Also remember that you have to get the channel USER_ID by turning on developer mode in discord in settings, under advanced.
You can contact me at lucasoAlt@outlook.com.