React component for tipical form control - tags. Has TextField with AutoComplete and tag list.
Examples and more informations -
npm install react-material-tags --save
npm install material-ui --save
import Tags from 'react-material-tags';
<Tags defTags={defTags} button={{child: <ActionGrade />}} sourceTags={sourceTags} />
Tags.propTypes = {
defTags: React.PropTypes.array, //start tags
sourceTags:React.PropTypes.array, //tags created before and used in autocomplete
onlyFromSource:React.PropTypes.bool, //if true it will not allow to add tag which not exists in tag list
onlyFromSourceErrorText:React.PropTypes.string, //error info when onlyFromSource is on true and user wants add other tag
textField:React.PropTypes.object, //textField props
chip:React.PropTypes.object, //chip props
containerClassName: React.PropTypes.string, //class for container
containerStyle: React.PropTypes.object, //style for container
onRemove: React.PropTypes.func, //remove, delete tag callback function(removedTag,allTags)
onAdd: React.PropTypes.func, //add callback function(addedTag,allTags)
button: React.PropTypes.object //button props - it has child prop inside