Demonstrates continuous benchmarking in GitHub Actions using BenchmarkDotNet and martincostello/benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher.
This project contains a few different examples of BenchmarkDotNet microbenchmarks.
The project is configured to run benchmarks on every push to the main
branch using GitHub Actions,
as well as every weekday at 0100 UTC, via the benchmark.ps1
PowerShell script.
Running the script will build the project and run the benchmarks. The results are written to the
directory in the root of the repository. These results are then published
to another repository, martincostello/benchmarks, by the benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher action.
The results are then viewable in a GitHub Pages site deployed from that repository that consumes the data to view trends over time.
Any feedback or issues can be added to the issues for this project in GitHub.
The repository is hosted in GitHub:
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.