I have started this project as a fun way to try out chibicc - "a small c compiler for uxn".
Therefore the base code is written in C with mappings to uxn provided by chibicc such as set_screen_addr
To run this app you need chibicc, from there you can run
./run.sh PATH_TO_YOUR_CHESS_UXN/chess.c
Alternatively you can just run the rom provided in this repository with uxn emulator (I have tried it with uxnemu
) or compile the TAL source code with uxnasm
Information on how to run uxn programs can be found on 100 rabbits page.
If you don't want to deal with uxnemu or chibicc locally you can go to https://metasyn.srht.site/learn-uxn/ and use io > import rom
and select rom file from this repository
- board drawn
- pieces drawn
- keep order - first white pieces, then black, and so on
- standard moves - IN PROGRESS (pawns, knights ready)
- special moves - en passant, pawn promotion, castles
- check
- check mate
- game restart