ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI2 application for user profile search and repositories listing
In this project used are:
- Visual Studio 2017
- C# 6.0 and C# 7.0 features
- MVC 5
- WebAPI2
- Identity Server 3
- Owin
- Unity IoC
- Swashbuckle
- Swashbuckle.Examples
- XUnit
- NSubtitute
- FluentAssertions
For use only restore nuget packages.
Task (from: here)
Create an ASP.Net MVC website with a page containing a text box to enter a name in and a submit button to search GitHub for the name.
Have the back end call the GitHub users API example and get the users name, location and avatar url from the returned json. Use the repos_url value to get a list of all the repos for the user.
On the results page, show the username, location, avatar and the 5 repos with the highest stargazer_count. As an alternative to ASP.NET MVC client you can write your application using a console app project.
Use this opportunity to show us what you know, even if you wouldn’t ordinarily use the concepts in such a trivial example.
Upload your work to GitHub and send us the url of the repository. If you don’t have a GitHub account you can register for a free one at join. Please make sure that your repository is a public one.