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Plant and Harvest Events

Sulay Shah edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

Introduction - #13, #21

Plant and Harvest events are implemented to calculate the N emissions from crop residues. Based on the Equation 11.6 of the IPCC document. Plant event plants a plant and then till the occurrence of Harvest event, the plant grows and its yield increases uniformly. Once the Harvest event occurs, the crop residue is transferred to the debris pool from the soil pool. From the debris pool emissions occur to the atmosphere pool by exponential decay of the crop residues.


// Plant Event
 "date": {
   "$date": "2002/03/01"                  // Date at which crop is planted
 "id": 3,
 "type": "agri.PlantEvent",
 "name": "Winter Wheat"                   // Type of crop
// Harvest Event
 "date": {
   "$date": "2002/07/01"                  // Date at which crop is harvested
 "id": 3,
 "type": "agri.HarvestEvent",
 "name": "Harvest Event",
 "frac_burnt": 0,
 "frac_renew": 0,
 "frac_remove": 0
  • F_CR table includes all the variables needed for calculation of emissions.


  • 3 variables planted (crop is planted or not), harvested (crop is harvested or not), yield (yield from crop)
  • On the occurrence of the Plant event, the crop_type is set as the crop type from the configuration.
  • On the occurrence of the Harvest event, the yield is shifted from the soil to debris pool.
  • An error will occur when Harvest event occurs before Plant event or when a second Plant event occurs before the harvesting of the first crop.
  • On each TimeStep, if the planted = 0 then the yield is increased uniformly based on the Growth_Rate mentioned in the F_CR table. If harvested = 0, then there will be emissions from the debris pool to the atmosphere based on the Decay_Rate in the F_CR table.