Pinger v1.2 --- A better output
Pinger v1.2 --- A better output.
What is new
- I improved the output which now is more structured and readable
- The status code returned from the Ping operation is now associated with a human-readable explanation.
Attached to this release, you can find the signed version of the script that gives you the following advantages:
- Assurance that the script hasn't been modified
- If you set your policy to AllSigned or RemoteSigned it will execute
You can verify the signature using the following command:
Get-AuthenticodeSignature .\Pinger.ps1 | Format-List
check that the Subject and the Issuer fields are like the following:
[Subject], CN="Open Source Developer, Marco Zuppone", O=Open Source Developer, L=Reading, S=Berkshire, C=GB
CN=Certum Code Signing CA SHA2, OU=Certum Certification Authority, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., C=PL