The harmony-service-lib
project is a Python library designed to simplify the development of Harmony services. It provides essential tools for parsing incoming messages, fetching and staging data, and interacting seamlessly with Harmony's backend APIs. By using this library, developers can streamline their integration with Harmony while ensuring compatibility with future upgrades.
This library is particularly beneficial for developers building or maintaining Python-based Harmony services, enabling efficient interoperability and reducing the complexity of common tasks.
Each Harmony service runs as a Docker container within a Kubernetes pod. Harmony processes user requests and, based on service configurations, determines which service to invoke via the Harmony Service CLI. The Harmony Service CLI defines both the input and output as STAC catalogs. Harmony executes the service in Kubernetes through a command-line call to the service pod entrypoint with the following parameters:
--harmony-action <action> \
--harmony-input <input> \
--harmony-sources <sources-file> \
--harmony-metadata-dir <output-dir>
: Specifies the action Harmony wants the service to perform. Currently, the only supported action isinvoke
, which runs the service and exits.<input>
: A JSON string containing the details of the service operation. Refer to the latest Harmony data-operation schema for format details.<sources-file>
: A file path pointing to a STAC catalog with items and metadata for processing. This allows Harmony to manage large input lists without exceeding command-line limits.<output-dir>
: The directory where the service should write its output metadata. The resulting STAC catalog will be saved ascatalog.json
in this directory.
This library provides essential functions for parsing command-line parameters, processing source STAC catalogs, generating result STAC catalogs, managing logs, and more.
- Supports receiving and processing Harmony messages via CLI (future HTTP support planned).
- Includes helper functions in
for seamless CLI parsing alongside non-Harmony CLI implementations.
Developers can create Harmony-compatible services by extending the harmony_service_lib.BaseHarmonyAdapter
class. There are two primary ways to do this:
- Override
: Process complete messages and generate results. - Override
: Handle individual STAC items from input catalogs.
The adapter also provides utilities for retrieving remote data, staging output, STAC catalog manipulation, and managing temporary files, which can be customized as needed.
See the example service for a demonstration of how to:
- Receive Harmony CLI command-line calls.
- Process input STAC items.
- Generate an output STAC catalog.
- Utilize library functions for message parsing, data handling, STAC manipulation, logging, and error handling.
This approach requires only a minimal override of process_item
in BaseHarmonyAdapter
, allowing developers to focus on business logic while leveraging built-in functionalities.
For services that aggregate multiple inputs into a single output, see Concise Service. This example overrides invoke
- Download granules specified in the source STAC catalog.
- Merge them into a single output.
- Customize error handling.
For services that generate multiple outputs from a single input, see Batchee Service. Like Concise Service, this example overrides invoke
, but instead of merging granules, it:
- Downloads granules specified in the source STAC catalog.
- Processes and Returns the result as a list of STAC catalogs.
The best way to trigger a service failure when an unrecoverable condition is encountered is to extend HarmonyException (a class provided by the service library) and throw an exception of that type. The service library may also throw a HarmonyException when common errors are encountered.
Exceptions of this type (HarmonyException or a subclass) which are meant to be bubbled up to users should not be suppressed by the service. The exception will automatically be caught/handled by the service library. The exception message will be passed on to Harmony and bubbled up to the end user (accessible via the errors field in the job status Harmony endpoint (/jobs/<job-id>
) and in many cases via the final job message).
Services can fail for other unforeseen reasons, like running out of memory, in which case Harmony will make an effort to provide a standardized error message. Just because a service invocation results in failure does not mean that the entire job itself will fail. Other factors that come into play are retries and cases where a job completes with errors (partial success). Retries happen automatically (up to a Harmony-wide configured limit) on failed data downloads and service failures.
HarmonyExceptions are categorized into two levels: Error
and Warning
. The default level is Error
exceptions appear in the job status undererrors
exceptions appear in the job status underwarnings
harmony_service_lib provides the following custom exceptions:
- CanceledException: Raised when a Harmony request is canceled.
- ForbiddenException: Raised when access to the requested data is denied (e.g., download failure due to permission issues).
- ServerException: Raised for generic 500 internal server errors (e.g., a download failure due to a server issue).
- NoDataException: Raised when the service finds no data to process (e.g., no data found by the service in the subset region). This is classified as a
When possible, services should strive to give informative error messages that give the end user some sense of why the service failed, without revealing any internal details about the service that could be exploited.
Here is a good example:
"""This module contains custom exceptions specific to the Harmony GDAL Adapter
service. These exceptions are intended to allow for clearer messages to the
end-user and easier debugging of expected errors that arise during an
invocation of the service.
from harmony.exceptions import HarmonyException
class HGAException(HarmonyException):
"""Base class for exceptions in the Harmony GDAL Adapter."""
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, 'nasa/harmony-gdal-adapter')
class DownloadError(HGAException):
""" This exception is raised when the Harmony GDAL Adapter cannot retrieve
input data.
def __init__(self, url, message):
super().__init__(f'Could not download resource: {url}, {message}')
class UnknownFileFormatError(HGAException):
""" This is raised when the input file format is one that cannot by
processed by the Harmony GDAL Adapter.
def __init__(self, file_format):
super().__init__('Cannot process unrecognised file format: '
class IncompatibleVariablesError(HGAException):
""" This exception is raised when the dataset variables requested are not
compatible, i.e. they have different projections, geotransforms, sizes or
data types.
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(f'Incompatible variables: {message}')
class MultipleZippedNetCDF4FilesError(HGAException):
""" This exception is raised when the input file supplied to HGA is a zip
file containing multiple NetCDF-4 files, as these cannot be aggregated.
def __init__(self, zip_file):
super().__init__(f'Multiple NetCDF-4 files within input: {zip_file}.')
Install the latest version of the package from PyPI using pip:
$ pip install harmony-service-lib
The package is installable from source via
$ pip install git+
If using a local source tree, run the following in the source root directory instead:
$ pip install -e .
The following environment variables can be used to control the behavior of the library and allow easier testing:
: When using helpers to stage service output and pre-sign URLs, this indicates the S3 bucket where data will be stagedSTAGING_PATH
: When using helpers to stage output, this indicates the path withinSTAGING_BUCKET
under which data will be stagedENV
: The name of the environment. If 'dev' or 'test', callbacks to Harmony are not made and data is not staged unless also using localstackSHARED_SECRET_KEY
: The 32-byte encryption key shared between Harmony and backend services. This is used to encrypt & decrypt theaccessToken
in the Harmony operation message. In a production environment, this should be injected into the container running the service Docker image. When running the service within Harmony, the Harmony infrastructure will ensure that this environment variable is set with the shared secret key, and the Harmony service library will read and use this key. Therefore, the service developer need not be aware of this variable or its value.
: Defaults to first argument on commandline. Appears in log records.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
: (Default:"us-west-2"
) The region in which S3 calls will be madeUSE_LOCALSTACK
: (Development) If 'true' will perform S3 calls against localstack rather than AWSLOCALSTACK_HOST
: (Development) IfUSE_LOCALSTACK
and this is set, will establishboto
client connections for S3 operations using this hostname.TEXT_LOGGER
: (Default: True) Setting this to true will cause all log messages to use a text string format. By default log messages will be formatted as JSON.MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES
: Number of times to retry HTTP download calls that fail due to transient errors.POST_URL_LENGTH
: Minimum url length that will be submitted via POST request.
- Python 3.9+, ideally installed via a virtual environment
- A local copy of the code
Install dependencies:
$ make install
Run linter against production code:
$ make lint
Run tests:
$ make test
Build & publish the package:
$ make publish
GitHub release notes will automatically be generated based on pull request subjects. Pull request subject lines should therefore concisely emphasize library user-facing behavior and updates they should appear in the changelog. If more information is needed for release notes, note that in the PR content.