The repository provides an example how to go from an existing Pytorch model to a serialized representation that can be loaded and executed purely from C++ in Windows.
It converts a pretrained fastai/PyTorch model to Torch Script.
Then, a C++ application loads serialized PyTorch model.
Finally, an image is presented to the model and classification results are displayed.
Run git clone in order to clone this repository.
Use pre-built libtorch from ‘ ’ (ver. 1.2, Windows, LibTorch, C++, cuda-none)
The model is trained in fastai using the Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset by O. M. Parkhi et al., 2012 which features 12 cat breeds and 25 dogs breeds.
The repository contains a Jupyter notebook (fastai-to-torch-script.ipynb) to export a fastai/pytorch model to torch script file. The tracing, a mechanism in which the structure of the model is captured by evaluating it once using example inputs, is used to convert PyTorch model to Torch Script.
A VisualStudio application loads serialized PyTorch model using the PyTorch C++ API – also known as _LibTorch. After the model is loaded the OpenCV function is used to load a test image. In order to perform inference the test image is converted to a normalized float tensor and passed as an input to the model. The obtained results (a class label and probability) are displayed.
Issues should be raised directly in the repository. For additional questions or comments please email Nebojsa Jovanovic at